Heidi's EXCELLENT Adventure.
f*** off with your yellow jackets. Thanks for the offer Horndog, I have no doubt Bruce and i will be DESPERATE for all those things by the time we hit Perth!
You guys will be total zombies after the first week, if the dehydration doesn't get you first. I thought life and bikes were supposed to be fun!
That sounds like total torture to me. We've got a great country, bugger work, spend some more time and have a proper look around at things besides the white line up the middle of the road. At 1200km a day that's all you'll see, and after a few days you probably wont be enjoying that too much either.

If you do it, at least get lots of training in, and PLEASE PLEASE keep safe. Zombies don't ride too good!

Good luck. It will be a great achievement. [/color]
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
That's the plan, it will be an adventure. I'm going back in April, that will be my chance for a look around. This is for the pure physicality of it. Bruce is hitting the gym as we speak, he will be HUGE by the time we head out.
Heidi1 Wrote:That's the plan, it will be an adventure. I'm going back in April, that will be my chance for a look around. This is for the pure physicality of it. Bruce is hitting the gym as we speak, he will be HUGE by the time we head out.

Beer Beer I have been training for this for years Beer Beer
Confused Confused Confused I may have to look into this adventure. Coolsmiley
Madmax Wrote:
There was a bloke did the round trip in a record 21 and several hours days back in late '79 or '80, I remember reading about it and then met the man a few years ago, he was workshop manager at Red Baron. 21 days. That was riding as hard as he could, then falling off the bike, sleeping as little as he coulkd before getting on and going again.

I admit roads are better now, but more coppers on those better roads. 14 is a very game bet mates, I hope you get it done.


Umm, Max, if u are referring to the workshop manager at Red Baron at Liverpool around '99, '00, can't remember when I last worked there, anyway I digress, I held the "Around Australia M/C Endurance Record" in 1978 on a Honda F2 750/4 in a time of 8 day's 23 hours & 57 minutes, I was the first person to get this record below 9 days & the only person to prove I wasn't popping drugs to stay awake. This was done by Urinalyis in every Capital city. I was serving in the RAN as a Submariner at the time. This record was well published.
I have since specialised in Long distance riding and have just recently (FEB this year) joined the American based IBA (Iron Butt Assoc') and the Australian FarRiders, two records here, my dog, Bundy is the first dog to join the IBA (tbc) and FarRiders and secondly, my 'Busa was the first 'Busa to join FarRiders, 2044klms in 23hrs, (SS2000/IBA).
For Heidi & Bruce to lap Oz in 14 day's is quite achieviable, providing they are ride fit and prepared to average around 15 hour days in the saddle and keep at it. 1200klms isn't a great distance to travel inside 24hrs, however to keep at it every day for 14 day's will certainly test their mettle! Long distance riding x time is not about excessive speed, but rather keeping at it, minimise stops, fuel up and go, etc.
I wish them the very best of luck and a safe journey, If they want my advice & help, I would be only to happy to supply it. I would also be prepared to check & set up their bikes (labour only) f.o.c.
Hold that ever diminishing Aussie Spirit High!Australia2

Tex & Bundy
Everybody dies, not Everybody lives !!
There is no substitute for grunt !!
Every boy needs more than one toy !!

Good luck with the ride guys. I don't mind one 1200km day (I have done Sydney to Adelaide on a TT600 dirt bike in 16 hours), but 14 days in a row, you guys are NUTZZZ! Which is why it's such a great idea!

I look forward to reading about the ride, stay safe.
You coming Simmo?
Will talk soon its something I have always wanted to do..
I'm going again in April and taking about 5 weeks. There will be members of the busa club and we'll also meet up with a mob called The Rumblers (who were the nutbags I went to the Rock with). Sept is fast and dirty, April is riding hard, but sightseeing as well.
Your going to need an after market arse if your going to sit in the saddle 16 days staight Showback Showback Pi_freak

Good luck with it Beer
Cheers Taub
[Image: Banner_blueandwhite2.jpg]
PAH! 16 days, we are doing it in 14! Do you think we are SOFT?
motoplast Wrote:
Madmax Wrote:

Umm, Max, if u are referring to the workshop manager at Red Baron at Liverpool around '99, '00, can't remember when I last worked there, anyway I digress, I held the "Around Australia M/C Endurance Record" in 1978 on a Honda F2 750/4 in a time of 8 day's 23 hours & 57 minutes, I was the first person to get this record below 9 days & the only person to prove I wasn't popping drugs to stay awake. This was done by Urinalyis in every Capital city. I was serving in the RAN as a Submariner at the time. This record was well published.
I have since specialised in Long distance riding and have just recently (FEB this year) joined the American based IBA (Iron Butt Assoc') and the Australian FarRiders, two records here, my dog, Bundy is the first dog to join the IBA (tbc) and FarRiders and secondly, my 'Busa was the first 'Busa to join FarRiders, 2044klms in 23hrs, (SS2000/IBA).
hey Tex, I wondered into the Red Baron about late '99 to get something for the bike, while I was on a course in Sydney.

Your bike was propped up at Mentor's for some time after the record run wasn't it?
8 days and 23 hours, I nearly got it right in hours then - that was so long ago.Coolsmiley

I remember reading about the run in the Green Horror not that long after the ride.

You are the Guru of distance old man.Egyptian

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
What a fantastic idea and of course, when you pass through Perth there are beds aplenty for weary travellers, just call and tell me when you're near the driveway.
Get the HIDs! I put high and low into mine, and the difference is amazing. Low beam is excellent, high is hampered by design I suspect.
Well worth the effort.
Unless you plan on keeping high beam on for long periods of time dont bother upgrading it. Definately worth doing low beam. When you turn on a HID is arcs up and then dims until the bulb gets hot.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"

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