Motorcycle Protest Ride Sat 5th July

There will be a protest ride on Saturday, July 5, 2008. The primary argument will be against road tolls for motorcycles but we'll be collecting signatures on the petition to abolish the $56 a year TAC tax too. And front ID for motorcycles and scooters is definitely a big issue on this protest run.

If we get the numbers we plan to have stands at the bike expo and the OZ GP to collect more signatures against the TAC tax. The petition will be given to an MP to present to Parliament probably on November 12, 2008.

The assembly area will be the Doncaster Park & Ride - Melway reference Map 46 K1. It's virtually empty on a Saturday. It's left out the gate. A few metres and left onto the Eastern Freeway which becomes the Eastlink toll road. Very safe. Eastlink opens Sunday, June 29. There is a toll free period of a month.

At noon riders will proceed to Frankston at 10 kph under the speed limit. Probably 90 kph most of the trip. The distance will be around 60 kms. The destination is the Fankston Civic Centre in Davey Street. - Melway reference map100A C9. There will be no road tolls and no entry fees or registration. A bucket collection will help defray costs.

All road registered trikes, sidecars, motorcycles & scooters are welcome. On the ride, normal road laws apply and each rider is responsible for him/her self.

We will be inviting City Councillors and MPs from along the route to be at the start or the finish or to ride with us. The media too. We'll have responsible pilots to take passengers. Let me know if you can take a passenger.

If we get the numbers, the November protest goes ahead, if not, it doesn't.

Hopefully some riders will be tempted to come a fair distance for a chance to ride the new super road before the tolls start. Others may be inspired by the recent successful protests by taxi drivers and pensioners but I doubt we'll see any topless riders this time of year. Others still may attend because they are angry that our representatives on VMAC have not stood up for the motorcycle community's interests.

This is not an MRA ride.

Please use this media release as you see fit.

Damien Codognotto OAM

Independant Lobbyist.


0419 846 855.

Footnote: I am not part of organising this event, I am just passing on the information.
I will try and think of you as conduit for future knowledge.
^^^ Ahh Sumkhun, I have missed your wit. Why so tame??? Coolsmiley Pi_tongue
My excuse is -

I have very recently been let off the leash.

The lack of ballast has unsettled me in sharp cornering manoeuvres.

I don't want to develop speed wobbles with the potential new velocities achievable.

Looks like the hump may finally appear on the rear.

Just hope the surgeons can remove it again one day.


All Ways
I had a great day out riding in the winter's sun.

Came out with the boys and was good to see such a huge turnout.
Turned it into a lovely ride day after the protest march.
Just pay the TAC Tax you bunch of winging Vic's Very Happy

Just a sec i plan to return to Vic some day so get out and protest you lazy bumsCoolsmiley
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
They government won't pay attention to you until there are enough of you to vote them out of office.

The only way they will learn is when they are threatened with un-employement or becoming the opposition.

Busdriver (aka Les)
Hats off to all those who turned up for the protest and we need to do more in all states. On a sadder note we lost a fellow rider on the same afternoon

Egos; everyone got one
Why hasn't this made the news ? Government suppressed ? cant find a mention of it on a news site
Egos; everyone got one
Now who was the person with the white Busa at the protest rally in Frankston???
i'm dirty on myself, I forgot about it and missed it all.
I was feeding the duck's on Albert Park lake. Undecided

I heard it was a huge turn out, about 2000 bikes.

Bravo Clap
never fly higher than your angel.
wanted to but peter fuggin stevens over filled the oil on my bike.. when I asked them to change wheel bearings... they didn't ask me if they could put oil in... but wanted to charge me just the same. It was over filled enough for it to want to fire on 3 pistons... the service guy near got his teeth smashed in! In the end they drained it & Jay bought up oil I bought a week ago, I took off - picked up leathers, got home & it was 12 already! so I missed it, talk about pissed off!

Mutha, you should also return my text message - not nice to say something ok & then have it not to be ok, when you didn't even check
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
I would say the attendance was on par with last years pink ribbon ride.

This was the carpark very early. there was no room left when the ride took off

[Image: protest5.jpg]

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