Heidi's EXCELLENT Adventure.
Heidi and I are planning a wee ride starting mid September.
The plan is a quick (legal speeds)Idiot2 lap using highway one covering somewhere between 15 and 16,000kâ€s all done in just 14 days. The plan is to leave Canberra and ride with the coast on our right all the way round the country till we get back to Canberra. That means we will need to average about 1200ks per dayGhastly, the plan is to do it and do it fast, someone told me thatâ€s what a Busa was made for.Pi_tongue

I will be on my busted ass ugly as shit orange K8 and Heidi on her divine 04 black and purple - unarguably the most beautiful colour comboever lovingly applied to a motorcycle. Gear taken will be basic tools couple of changes of clothes and two swags. Travel light.

So far we have organised a sat phone for just in case and asked Glen from Thunder Composites to try and track down HIDâ€s high and low beam headlights for both bikes.

I will need to buy a ventura rack and sheepskin seat cover for the K8 so if anyone knows where to get them please post up details. A bike to bike intercom would prolly be a good idea so that I can sing and edumacate Heidi in the iconic prose of the immortal Banjo Patterson ALL the way. That and fart jokes should help to pass the time. Can anyone suggest the best bike to bike on the market, it will need a good range as she may try to distance herself.

We will be taking the laptop and internet card so that Heidi can post updates in a daily blog style format, so if anyone wants to keep track and ride along with us for any part of the run - long or short - feel free to join in.Grouphug Even if you could guide the quick way thru town would be great.

Any of our site vendors want to chip in with sponsorship.Fatman

Should be a fun cruze, something I have always wanted to do. f*** sightseeing just get it done and done fast.Biker
There was a bloke did the round trip in a record 21 and several hours days back in late '79 or '80, I remember reading about it and then met the man a few years ago, he was workshop manager at Red Baron. 21 days. That was riding as hard as he could, then falling off the bike, sleeping as little as he coulkd before getting on and going again.

I admit roads are better now, but more coppers on those better roads. 14 is a very game bet mates, I hope you get it done.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Contoured Australian made sheep skin covers from here

Sheepy Hollow
I used to have a "Bikecomm" setup on my bandit a few years ago which was based around a cb radio (rider to pilly + bike to bike) plus you had the bonus of being able to talk to our 18 wheel friends for regular updates on road conditions and a steady supply of no doze which you may find useful Action-smiley-083 Ghastly

The company is based on the central coast and if you take your bike & helmets there he will fit it as well - if memory serves it cost about $600 all up.

Cheers Ruffy
Ruffy Wrote:I used to have a "Bikecomm" setup
Cheers Ruffy

Bikecomm was and prolly is good - used to have one - but based on 27MHz CB. Currently best in my opinion is autocomm, which uses UHF CB (as do all truckies these days).
1200 kliks per day for several days will be a huge effort, good luck with it...doesn't leave much time for playing with a laptop :-) Make plenty of notes so we can all read about it after. I'm envious.
I don't think that Don at Bikecomm is still in the CB business.
He lives in Belmont near Newcastle.
Dale McLean is the new guy who does the bike to bike business using more modern comms systems.
You should find his ad in most bike mags.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Hang on white boy, who said anything about an intercom?? If you are going to recite Banjo the WHOLE way, prepare yourself for some hard-core 80s pop action sung WAY too loud and WAAY off key.

We're going to be walking like cowboys by the end of this one.
That will be a great adventure .. would have joined in for that but for being out of the country late aug till late sept.
If i'm back in time and you want/need a comfy bed workshop etc call by
Absolutely, thanks. We are hoping to catch up with members on this trip. And this time I am in a much better mood so I promise I wont carve my initials in your fridge.
C'mon Dan, you know you are DYING to comment.....

Drop in at TJ's tyres. He has a bike to bike type of intercom thingy. I forget the brand. Range is good for about 150 metres depending on the terrain. Read the box, it has it on there. It does not work on a cb radio system. They are stand alone units that fit to the side of your helmet.

It will also has bluetooth connectivity with a bluetooth enabled mobile phone. So if Bruce get's too far ahead you can always phone him, as long as you are in a mobile service area.

Now I've found it. Blue Ant http://www.mrmobile.net.au/catalogue/c49...agod3k8aZw


Or try these advertised in the Ulysses magazine: www.dmme.com.au or: www.soundrider.com.au
These work on a UHF cb system so range is a lot greater and you can talk to truckies as well, or select a quiet channel for just the two of you. Others will be able to listen to you.

Busdriver (aka Les)
Hot shower, home cooked meal, wireless internet, oodles of homemade rum and bourbon, secure shed and tools etc in Perth if you need it. The wife and I would be happy to host you on your adventure if you so wish.
There is no strong performance without a little fanaticism in the performer
Busdriver Wrote:Heidi,

Drop in at TJ's tyres. He has a bike to bike type of intercom thingy. I forget the brand. Range is good for about 150 metres depending on the terrain. Read the box, it has it on there. It does not work on a cb radio system. They are stand alone units that fit to the side of your helmet.

It will also has bluetooth connectivity with a bluetooth enabled mobile phone. So if Bruce get's too far ahead you can always phone him, as long as you are in a mobile service area.

Now I've found it. Blue Ant http://www.mrmobile.net.au/catalogue/c49...agod3k8aZw


Or try these advertised in the Ulysses magazine: www.dmme.com.au or: www.soundrider.com.au
These work on a UHF cb system so range is a lot greater and you can talk to truckies as well, or select a quiet channel for just the two of you. Others will be able to listen to you.

NNNOOOOOO Don't get BlueAnt. They are crap. I've had trouble with EVERY BlueAnt item I've owned. The most recent being the fully fitted car unit which was supplied & installed by the car dealer.
He's just replaced it with a different brand. (at his cost)
+1 my blueant car hands free has been a problem from day one.

Horndog, thanks for the offer we will give you a call whe we get over that side.
I was'nt recommending any specific brand or type, just providing info I'd found.

I do know where you can get some yellow jackets if you want though.

Busdriver (aka Les)

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