Camden residents stops islamic school.
Nothing like to see some good Ozzies stick up for there rights on refusing the Islamic school to be built in there town.. But i think the war is not over yet Knuppel2

Jindy Loop
What has an Islamic school got anything to do with a war?

Personally I'd like to see religion in schools replaced by a mandatory philosophy curriculum. But we do have freedom of religion in this country and parents have the right to indoctrinate their kids into whatever religion they want.

So as entitled, many parents think their little Johnny or little Moustafa is going to burn in hell if the child doesnâ€t have the correct faith. In light of this, I personally think that itâ€s conceptually a good thing to have as many different schools with different faiths as possible.

So come election day, we shouldnâ€t a majority of people voting for the same religious representative / wack job, but hopefully based on more tangible merits.
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I too am happy this proposal was refused by the council. I don't believe it is racism of any sort. I think Australia is a very accepting place of all the different cultures but at the same time, building a whole school devoted to one religion is only helping to create a gap in the different cultures, etc that are present.

At university we had many overseas students, American, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Swedish, etc. Only problem that I could see was they often stuck in groups perhaps because they felt like they didn't fit, so the best thing that can be done is to encourage everyone to stick together....

If I moved to another country I'd be thrilled to join in and mix with the present culture. It's a chance to adopt a new way of life, learn new things, etc, etc....I don't see why people have to be so stubborn.

If you were catholic and a catholic school was denied permision because residents faught against it based on your religion would you feel like you fit in in that area?

copperjosh Wrote:building a whole school devoted to one religion is only helping to create a gap in the different cultures, etc that are present.

Agreed. But the reality is that "faith schools" are growing in popularity as parents do what they think is best for their kids.

Blocking a single Islamic school doesn't address the issue of all the other schools that are devoted to a single religion.
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When in Rome.

If you want to live in a specific place / country, join in, don't try to change it to suit your own requirements. (we're talking major changes here).
If the place where you live needs changing (as you see it) then maybe you shouldn't be living in that place / country.
Religion is for people who have no direction in life .Burn them all down i say .
pink pantys 4 every one .see you in hell bitches


Religion has no place in schools, that is what Churches and Mosques etc are for.

(Look out, I've started a riot)
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
no offense to anyone,

but how many catholic schools do you see in Islamic countries? what would happen if you wanted to build a catholic school in countries that are Islamic?

It just wouldn't ever happen. Correct me if I'm wrong.

(this is not an attack on anyone, just thoughing a few thoughts/questions around)
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
In the not too distant future there will not be West and East, it will all be East by some definition or another, because the
Western way of life will be for the minority. It's already started, look at any "modern developed" western country and the ethinic "minority" already have more influence in day to day life than we would like, baning christmas carols and celebrations, dont dare say anythin against anyone not of the same skin colour because then you are being racially discriminating. How about the what we have to put up with to accomodate their way of life in our society. Aren't we being discriminated against in order to accomodate them ? I'm aware this sounds incredibly racist which is unavoidable but I'm honestly a firm believer in live and let live, but when in Rome, do as the Romans etc..
Years ago in England in the 60s an MP called Enoch Powell said that this situation would eventually arise and everyone shot him down in flames for being a bigot and racist etc, UK now has no go zones for British. At night you wouldnt go round a lot of cities if your white and on your own, (Speaking from personal experience), everythin he foretold came true... Might be different now but when I was there the police wouldnt even go into parts of Manchester and Birmingham
Macbusa Wrote:but how many catholic schools do you see in Islamic countries?

I see your point. But I think it's worth pointing out that Australia isn't a Catholic nation either. For the most part, we have both secularity of government and freedom of religious choice! :aussie

Except, of course, if you want to build an Islamic school in Camden. Catholic, Anglican and Jewish schools only?
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Wtf Where is Pauline Hanson Wm
never fly higher than your angel.
Pommie Wrote:In the not too distant future there will not be West and East, it will all be East by some definition or another, because the
Western way of life will be for the minority. It's already started, look at any "modern developed" western country and the ethinic "minority" already have more influence in day to day life than we would like, baning christmas carols and celebrations, dont dare say anythin against anyone not of the same skin colour because then you are being racially discriminating. How about the what we have to put up with to accomodate their way of life in our society. Aren't we being discriminated against in order to accomodate them ? I'm aware this sounds incredibly racist which is unavoidable but I'm honestly a firm believer in live and let live, but when in Rome, do as the Romans etc..
Years ago in England in the 60s an MP called Enoch Powell said that this situation would eventually arise and everyone shot him down in flames for being a bigot and racist etc, UK now has no go zones for British. At night you wouldnt go round a lot of cities if your white and on your own, (Speaking from personal experience), everythin he foretold came true... Might be different now but when I was there the police wouldnt even go into parts of Manchester and Birmingham

There is a f****d country for shore ,but what can one do? all we can do is to slow down the the landslide that eventually will wipe most of us out one way or another.I dont believe in freedom of religion when one(Islam) is to destroy the one who will not conform. why the f*** should we have it here ??
kawasuki Wrote:]

There is a f****d country for shore ,but what can one do? all we can do is to slow down the the landslide that eventually will wipe most of us out one way or another.I dont believe in freedom of religion when one(Islam) is to destroy the one who will not conform. why the f*** should we have it here ??

I totally agree with you, I've lived in a few countries and this one is the best but unfortunately it's going to go the same way as everywhere else because the pollies etc are too shit scared to fire up and say no because of this trade agreement or because they spend tourist dollars here or some other half arsed excuse. We cant say to much about the Japanese whaling fleet because of the trade and tourism, we can however give refugee's more state aid than our own pensioners because if we dont its a human rights infringement, how the eff does that one work ??? Be a foreign refugee and live off everyone quite comfortably, but work here all your life and pay your dues so that you can have bugger all and everythin you paid in can be given to johnney foreigner who thinks he's been given a rough time in his own country so comes here for an easier time

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