The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
Sorry guys, no comment for now :(
No fighting in public kids or I'll knock your heads together.
One more sleep to Hump Day Fatman
never fly higher than your angel.
Yes Hump Day Fatman shut the gate ...
never fly higher than your angel.
It's hump day, and I have a cannon!
Happy Hump Day Peeps Fatman Fatman

[Image: humpday.jpg] [Image: drunk-15.gif]
[Image: photo3.jpg]
The Wild Wind Wrote:It's hump day, and I have a cannon!

What sort of ancient blunderbuss do you have Cannon Boy?

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
We are talking the photographic Cannon are we or the big bang cannon????
The Wild Wind Wrote:It's hump day, and I have a cannon!

Hey Rich - what sort of cannon?

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Cannon Camera or Cannon KarBooM ? Confused
never fly higher than your angel.
Wet today
[Image: photo3.jpg]
Freezing outside up here too...
28 degrees and falling
Bright and sunny here today, had to go for a blast to scuff my new tyres in. Supposed to be sunny again tomorrow, and a 10-15 knot easterly, im going fishing or the boat wont like me any more Fatman
cAstAgeAr Wrote:Bright and sunny here today, had to go for a blast to scuff my new tyres in. Supposed to be sunny again tomorrow, and a 10-15 knot easterly, im going fishing or the boat wont like me any more Fatman
Wet and showery here today, but drier than yesterday.
The golf and riding are out for today!

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Bright and sunny here on the west again Fatman. Im off for a Blat Hayabusa

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