New kid on the block
Hey guys the name is Rob. Firstly i'd like to start off by saying that buying a bike was one of the krazyest and best things that i have ever done. I'm currently a learner rider atm. Riding a honda honda cbr 250 rr. Quite a versetile little thing i must say. Bit of history now....One day as i was riding, I thought id stop by at redwing honda just to have a look around. Looking through the shop I came across this huge monster thing of a bike and thought to myself.. this is not a bike.. its a god dam tank and moved onto looking at other bikes. I wasn't too interested any of the bikes that were available untill I turned around and looked at that massive thing again and for some reason i was being drawn to it. I was compelled to have a proper look at it this time. The closer i got to it, the more impressed i was. Upon closer inspection I reaslised that this bike was no ordinary bike... This thing was sex on wheels! I went out that day to buy myself gym set, instead and instead I came home with a Hayabusa. Eh?

G'Day Rob, Great choice and I really love the colour combo. Pi_thumbsup Take it easy on the new scooter Beer
Cheers Taub
[Image: Banner_blueandwhite2.jpg]
nice one spunky scheme. just respect what it can do and dont ride it beyond your capabilities. guess youll have time to keep polishing it. interesting a VIC bike and havent seen it before.

Welcome to the club Rob.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Welcome Mate... 250 to Busa big leap, respect the beast and you will have a endless supply of good times Pi_thumbsup
[Image: photo3.jpg]
Respect the beast i shall. I've heard to many bad stories about riders making Idiot2 decisions and trying to show off and by doing so messing themselves right up. I have respect for bikes and the road in general. I don't try to exceed my capabilities or try anything stupid. I was even thinking about getting something like a 600cc bike or around there when i'm fully liscenced just to get a bit more experience riding something with a bit more go. That way i can have a run around bike and have the busa for special occasions.
Awesome looking bike Rob.

There have been many guys and some gals that have gone from small bikes straight to a busa.
The busa is a great all round bike, (except for the bush of course) but if handled with respect, you can ride it as you please and have a great time.

I tell new riders to run themselves in to the busa and start as if you are running a bike in.
I.E. restrict your RPM to about 5,000 for a few hundred kays and then gradualy open her up a bit at a time till your used to the incredible power available.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Welcome Styley bike there mate, i think i remember seeing it advertised on bike point a while ago. Be careful and respect the throttle and you will be fine, except you wont be able to get the shit eatin grin of your face.
Busa / Home Gym????? Clap I think you made the right choice.

Good looking ride, have fun.

The busa is a pussy cat so no need for a 600cc, just keep the revs low for a while and ride using the torque.
Nice whip bro!!! Welcome!
wow stunning looking bike - congrats - enjoy it and be safe. not a big step if you take it easy and become one with her.

Nice bike bloke. Ive had a bus since 99 and havn't found a better ride yet. Still have not lost the smile from when i first rode 1.


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