Tonight, at the supermarket. Some bloke came up to me and asked,
If i own the car that i got out of.Said yeah it's mine.
He say's to me, We had a Head on smash.
Me on my Busa. Him in his Car.(2 Years Ago)

Man, im still tripping about it, Did'nt know what to say; Too much shit was going thru my head... Glad it don't happen all the time. Ghastly
What a blow out, but how did he know your car???
[Image: photo3.jpg]
LOAFIE Wrote:What a blow out, but how did he know your car???

The joy of personal plates.
The car plates and bike is the same.
He said that he remembered the plate.
I had a head on nearly 10 yrs ago & can still remember the guys name & address. I swore to pay him a visit one day (was his fault) but by the time i recovered i sort of got over it. Dont know what id do if he came up to me now, mind you, he was a suited up woose and im not so i dont think it will ever happen.

Aaaahhh the joys of custom plates... to easy to remember
jzbusa Wrote:I had a head on nearly 10 yrs ago & can still remember the guys name & address. I swore to pay him a visit one day (was his fault) but by the time i recovered i sort of got over it. Dont know what id do if he came up to me now, mind you, he was a suited up woose and im not so i dont think it will ever happen.

Aaaahhh the joys of custom plates... to easy to remember

Thats the problem with custom alright. Police
Your lucky to remember your smash, I can't remember that day at all.
The bloke said that the bike stopped him instantly, Wrote his car off.
I've seen the silly Bitch that put me in Hospital for the morning last November a few times in my local Supermarket! Knuppel2

I would like to kick her in her Fat Arse! But that just wouldn't be acceptable by community standards! Would it?

But it is okay to speed through a roundabout and not give way to the right!

What a f****d up world we live in.................. Confused

So glad you're okay Baldy. Yours was a close one! Pi_thumbsup

Cheers, Phil.

P.S. My accident happened on my pushbike. As I was lying there on the roundabout a thought went through my mind. "Oh f***," "I'm going to die, and I'm wearing lycra"............. Coolsmiley

True Story! The End
GiddyUp Wrote:I've seen the silly Bitch that put me in Hospital for the morning last November a few times in my local Supermarket! Knuppel2

I would like to kick her in her Fat Arse! But that just wouldn't be acceptable by community standards! Would it?

But it is okay to speed through a roundabout and not give way to the right!

What a f****d up world we live in.................. Confused

So glad you're okay Baldy. Yours was a close one! Pi_thumbsup

Cheers, Phil.

P.S. My accident happened on my pushbike. As I was lying there on the roundabout a thought went through my mind. "Oh f***," "I'm going to die, and I'm wearing lycra"............. Coolsmiley

True Story! The End

You crack me up Giddy Pi_thumbsup
I can just see it now, Gunna have to have a drink or 2 to get that out of my head.
I hope that the driver who hit you head on, has given up hitting the piss and driving his weapon on the road.
It's marvelous to see you have recovered as well as you have Bo.
You didn't throw the towel in, it's great to see you riding again. Trophy
never fly higher than your angel.
Man im suprised you kept your cool!
Then again the guy or whatever would of been shitting em after
seeing you i rekon so he wanted to approach you first to make sure things
are cool lol

Giddys story reminds me on uncles when he got hit by a 4wd on his rgv.
An the police came an ambo cuz he broke a leg.
When she went over to apologise he threw a punch lol
Would have been hard not to give him a Icon_box_ head on there at the shop well done baldy and glad to here your back on a bike Pi_thumbsup
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
I had a head on in 1978 on a GT380 with my sister on the back (she broke her leg) I got tossed over th bonnet as it was not quite square on, and almost ran over from a car coming the other way. Ended up in a stormwater drain and th prick in the car (a repco ute)(his fault) started abusing me. I told him if I could get up I would punch the shit out of him. And all the tourists dragged him away Off to hospital I went in an ambulance (Only ended up with a fractured ankle and concusion ) Remember it like it was yesterday and all in slow motion
To this day i still hate repco utes
Isn't it amazing how you can remember every detail of the times you fly through the air when propelled from a bike seat!

I can remember three pushbike launches quite clearly and the 3 offs on my first road bike like yesterday.

@BaldyBo. The guy probably felt compelled to see how you are and couldn't resist letting it out of his system I reckon.
He may not have said it, but he probably wanted to say sorry.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Yeah I reckon that would be a bit freaky Baldy !!!! Was he angling for a medal or something Confused More front than Myers Eek

OK by my community standards GDY Coffee Nice of the hippopotamus to enquire about your health post prang matey!!!!!!!

Prolly had her head in a chip bag & not watching the road Action-smiley-083
Never ride the A model of anything.
Man, Baldy, that's a really weird one - amazed the shock of that meeting didn't knock you over again.
Have the same kind of trippy story , although not crash or bike related --- Basically X wife cheated on me ( best thing to happen to me - i have since found a far nicer girl) anyway - 2 years after the event - the guy she cheated with rings me up to apologize to me , and to inform me that she has done the same thing to him ...... was i sympathetic? .... No - what was i thinking ??? "what goes around , comes around "

Crash related ---

Just baught a new commodore ( vs at the time ) had it 2 days - when my x was smashed into by some "p" plater(Lebanese ) took a corner to fast could not stop ran wide and head on into her - he hang around for a while - tow truck was there within 3 min --- tow truck driver asked to see his licence - kid got all sheepish told the guy he will have to race home to go get it as he didn't have it with him ... towie tells him he cant leave the accident scene till cops get there -- he leaves anyway - they get his number plate as he drives off --- ends up the number plate does not match the car at all - so basically we are stuffed and up for the excess for insurance ....

when x gets home she rings her friend to tell her she cant come over as she has been in a crash with a blue skyline ..... friend on phone replies ..... really can you describe the guy ?? -- x describes the guy , friend says -- thats the kid across the road - he just got home - he flew into his driveway - and then put his car in the garage , which he never does, font of his car was all damaged ..... Cops get called , they pin the guy - he was unlicensed - unregistered, uninsured, fake plates - defected vehicle -- and a long list of other shit the cops pined him for .....

Few days later his dad ends up at our place , asking for us to take our new car to his mates backyard repair shop to have it fixed on the cheap , we politely told him to "f" off your son was going to leave us high and dry .. so no favors will be done by us ......

Im sure he is still paying for it today !

Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....

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