checking in...
hello, peoples!

new member checking in... located in ACT.

bought a 99 hayabusa on the weekend... now researching ways of making it betterer. this looks like the place for such research!

and might i say, what an impressive range of emoticons you have!Biker
Hey Scoot - Nice to have you aboard mate, Check the "Riding not Talking" thread for the Thurs night get togethers in Canberra. Was there myself last week, try the veal marsala but stay away from the "Heidi" it bites back!Lol2

Cheers Ruffy



P.S. Not you Scoot. What colour? Did you buy it in Canberra? Come play with us, it is a slippery slope to blingdom.
beauty... will scope out this get-together. i have heard previous rumblings on canberrariders.

it's a black and red, purchased from a mexican.

blingdom, hey? well i was initially looking around for some ideas on supercharging, but there are definitely more pressing issues to be addressed first... fender elimination is desperately needed. and a screen. and some levers. and clear indicators.
Dude, we can help you with all of that. I've had three busas, Max has had three (?), others have had one or two, there isn't much we haven't tried when it comes to aftermarket, except turbos, but Big Dan is coming back to teach us all about those.

I don't think we are catching up this week, but definately next.
groovy... good advice is always appreciated. i've come off an aprilia (literally as well as figuratively) so the busa business is a learning curve. already been doing a bit of window shopping and making a list for all the standard mods any bike needs, but the hayabusa scene certainly seems to take it a few steps further!

thinking the blower project can come to the fore after i have it looking a little sharper. i have some associates with a penchant for forced-induction bikes, so should be alright on that front.
Welcome scoot, we have a bit of experience with these big fast beasts, we have fallen off, gotten up, fixed or replaced and come back to the Hayabusa phenomena again and again. The bling bling thing has me going at my Black and Grey pretty hard at the moment. Just awesome bikes aren't they!

Are/ were you a regular at the Canberra Riders meetings? Great drinks meetings!

Look forward to catching up with you sooner or later - shifts allowing.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Welcome Scoot, you have the best colour.Trophy
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Hey Mr Loaf Hijacked

Are you coming to the Snowies? It wont be the same without you!!
And in the immortal words of that song...... you can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"

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