Canberrans Sips Again
He's very brave from the other side of a computer monitor! You just WAIT til next drinks, I'm talking RUMBLE! He will look like those robbers running from the bikies!!
Heidi1 Wrote:He's very brave from the other side of a computer monitor!

I am so! I win all of my fights with girls by a good 100 meters mate!

Max -the Brave Australia2HayabusaAustralia2
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Barbecue at my place this Saturday guys. Any of you criminals are welcome.

The drinking starts at, we'll start burning meat a little later.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Canberra Riders are having their weekly drinks at Tilly's at this Monday. Sweet Mary and I are going.

Anyone else?

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
arr I met Saracen the other day, ran into him at the lights. The blue beast is certainly a looker I must say. Didn't realise it was a busa until I had a second look! lol
copperjosh Wrote:arr I met Saracen the other day, ran into him at the lights. The blue beast is certainly a looker I must say. Didn't realise it was a busa until I had a second look! lol

After those kind words or appreciation you have a new friend for life... even if you do ride a Kwaka!!Coolsmiley

ps. after seeing you ride, I now know that there is only two speeds for you stopped or Mach 10!!!
Rofl! yer I gotta get out of the habit of treating every traffic light as launch practice, and I mean, every light..

lol my clutch probably hates me haha! Mind you its bloody good practice!

saracen Wrote:
copperjosh Wrote:arr I met Saracen the other day, ran into him at the lights. The blue beast is certainly a looker I must say. Didn't realise it was a busa until I had a second look! lol

After those kind words or appreciation you have a new friend for life... even if you do ride a Kwaka!!Coolsmiley

ps. after seeing you ride, I now know that there is only two speeds for you stopped or Mach 10!!!
Anyone interested in a social sip this Thursday night?

I'm OFF-DUTY! Yahooo

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I'm a starter this week after a bit of haitus, has it moved to the chicks cafe in Lynham??
Monyx Wrote:I'm a starter this week after a bit of haitus, has it moved to the chicks cafe in Lynham??
I don't think so. Heidi doesn't want to move it, and we have had good service, it's been a fair while, I suggest we talk to Zeff's management and tell them we're sick of the poor service. If that doesn't pick them up we may have to go to plan B.

7pm at Zeff's.

Hey CopperJess - you bringing your ZX?Fatman

Saracen - no rain in sight is there!!!

Heidi, tell them you gave at the office and have done enough this week

Les - my spies tell me you're off duty, see you there!

Ressac/Exocet - Brissy isn't that far on your Tricolor, Tess you can come too.EgyptianEgyptianEgyptian

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
If any of you have an alternative venue you would like to try - let's!

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Yes, I think i'll come along, bring the now stock-pipes 14 too the party. She's an angry sewing machine with the stockers on ahaha.

Should we try the Belco Zeff's instead? I've got a friend who works their everynight. Should get good service...


Madmax Wrote:If any of you have an alternative venue you would like to try - let's!

I'm at work until my legs drop off, so I wont be there for dinner. I'll swing past on my way home (probably 8ish), so I'll stop for a drink then.
Could be Storm
Forecast for Thursday
Fine until isolated afternoon showers and thunderstorms develop. Moderate northwest winds.

Precis: Possible afternoon thunderstorm.
City: Min 14 Max 29
Tuggeranong: Min 13 Max 28

I'll likely do a sarancen if it doesn't look good by late arvo 'cos I got cross all the way from Tuggers so likeky I'll strike one of those isolated patches Violin
We'll keep an eye on the weather mate. If it's raining I wont be going, but a few clouds wont stop me either.

Hear you on the Belco Zeff's Josh, maybe worth having a look. C ouple of the Canberra Riders ladies are calling in if they get the chance so Dickson it is for this week anyway.

See you there.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!

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