Front number plates on motorcycles by 2009...
Well.....what would you expect....Confused

This do good mob of rabid social engineers are controlled by vocal minorities............tree huggers..hippies...chardonnay socialists, left wing lawyers etc et al, all avowed anti combustion engine zealots.

Hell..........even the ex transport minister didn't have a car licence & rode his pushie all over the place to prove a point. That's why those critical mass push bike blokes got away with what they did as they had a "convert" on side.

Anyway, I'll believe it when I see it..........I was having a little "chat" with a motorbike copper about 5 years ago & his parting shot was " well what 'll you blokes do when they bring in front number plates NEXT year" Very Happy

I was informed that there are over 200,000 registered bikes in Victoria,
you can't afford to lose 200,000 votes in any election to something like that. Sitting MP's in marginal seats can be very vulnerable to voter sentiment & can be very accomodating when they want to be..Coffee
Never ride the A model of anything.
Thought this topic would get you going, Rev. Pi_thumbsup

All I can say is if it comes here in Vic, watch out rest of you, cause we may lead the way of nanny states, but some of the other states are trying to catch up. Once upon a time it felt like we were the only ones who had to put up with f'n intolerable number of cameras and ludicrously low tolerances, but we aint alone any more.

Also, there is more and more talk about unifying the road laws ...
Rev Wrote:I was informed that there are over 200,000 registered bikes in Victoria, you can't afford to lose 200,000 votes in any election to something like that. Sitting MP's in marginal seats can be very vulnerable to voter sentiment & can be very accomodating when they want to be..Coffee

Unfortunately, when they keep bringing in f****d laws, somehow they keep getting voted back in! Don't count on it, Rev.

Last campaign I saw a great bumper sticker that sums it up:

"I'm stupid and I vote."
Ok W can count on me not counting on it Very Happy
Never ride the A model of anything.
It's a real no brainer that bikes deaths have climbed since 1999 or whenever their stats started in the submission.

Bike sales are going through the roof yet deaths haven't anywhere near matched these percentages.

Some things could definitely be improved regarding the novice riders licensing system by making it much harder to get one in the first place. Gone are the days when you could easily kill a couple of dirt bikes in first gear in the bush learning what you could or couldn't do on one.

Then of course there's the reason we all bought a bike in the first place isn't there. We aren't conformists and no number plate is going to change that. Pardon me for borrowing a line from the "Worlds fastest Indian" which goes something like....
"I live more in five minutes than some people live in a life time"
When he was asked why he rode.

Talk's Cheap! Bring it on!

We'll all fall into line as usual..............Coolsmiley

What have we got to hide? I'd gladly hide some stone chips with a front rego plate(sticker) ! Icon_box_ Boobies4 It was good enough when I was riding around on my Honda CB360 back in 1978.

The End.

Jindy Loop
Ya right Giddy.

5 of my 9 bikes wore the bastards up front.
Here is a pic of 3 of them.
If you blow it up, you can even read some of the numbers.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Tony Wrote:It's a real no brainer that bikes deaths have climbed since 1999 or whenever their stats started in the submission.
Bike sales are going through the roof yet deaths haven't anywhere near matched these percentages.

Tony Wins!!

Thats what I saw as well, they are using a raising death rate compared between 98 / 99 & 2004/2005 & saying that we must do something now!
Who ever the wanker was that wrote this needs to go back to school.

More people on two wheels means there will be more crashes!
not hard to work out really
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
I'll just continue to keep my girl registered in Qld. No front plate & Save rego $$$$ as well Fatman

At least until I sell my house up there anyway.....
This pisses me off. Do the stats show that due to the price of petrol more people are buying bikes because they are cheaper to run. That also means that there are more in-expierienced riders on the road. Wheres the stat for that?Scary
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
They will have trouble in WA as a coroner reported years ago that a front plate (when they were end on) contributed to a death of a pedestrian. So end on plates will never fly and where can you stick one on a modern bike? Over the headlight (illegal), over the screen (also illegal), over the air intakes........
I reckon the gov`t bureaucrats tasked to formulate this draft policy dont give a shit how many people die on the roads, to them its just a new campaign to fight and win!!!.......and winning has everthing to do with the amount of revenue the bean counters think is being lost per annum on unidentified speeding fines.
You Vics have to organize yourselves a campaign against these proposals!!!
my local M.P got to hear my opinion the other day ummed arred nodded sympathetically then i mentioned the no of riders living around here and the potential of lost votes eyebrows went up a little said he will take it into consideration meaning jeese i hope this goes away, now can you i have important stuff to do.
Please sign the petition against front number plates even if your from another state. VIC can always be the test case.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
This is some very interesting reading , the leeter has been made public .
We have Vic roads to thank.
so much for VMAC being an advisory board when they dont listen too them .
for those who dont know what VMAC is , it is a board of riders, police, emergancy services, TAC and larger bike clubs that the goverment set up too take advise from in regards to motorcycling issues.
VIC ROADS is doing there own thing , the letter shows they screwed us again , same as WRB .

At last nights(Thurs 14th) VMAC meeting opposition to the front number plate proposal was again expressed by several members.
The lack of evidence for their necessity, the technical aspects and the inequity of making riders pay for this were among the many points raised. Also the meetings displeasure that the paper had come to VMAC from an outside source and had not been presented previously was also made known. Not to mention the fact that the impression had been given some time ago that the matter was to be quietly dropped.

This is what is currently happening at a Federal level:
At present the Regulatory Inpact Statement (TIS) will soon be coming up before the Standing Committee on Transport. At this point SCOT will decide to shelve it or move to a consultation phase. After a consultation phase then a decision will be made whether to implement it. Then it will be up to the individual states.

In order to prevent the impression that VMAC is at all in favour of this, Neil O'Keefe, chair of VMAC has given approval to release the following letter written over a year ago to the Minister.

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