Welcome back to the Board
Welcome back to the forum, I hope you all had a good xmas break and holidays and coming back here with a new found spirit with a sense of comraderie what we like to call mateship. I have made some changes to the board and they are as follows:

Introducing our new admin Heidi from the ACT. Heidi has been with us from the very beginning and is a valued member of the club. Hopefully she will balance all that male testosterone that sometimes flares up here. She will also protect womans rights here and not allow any male figures to slag woman in any way.

The Forum will now be G Rated except that one section with a warning allowing some partial nudity. G Rated means that avatars, sigs and language are to meet that standard. There should be no restraints on being able to browse the board either at work or with children present. Admins will be enforcing this standard.

Some members have been pruned, those that have registered a long while back and have not since returned. If you find yourself in that category just re-register. I received a few emails from members requesting that I remove them ie de-register them, which I have so done at their request. Should they wish to return anytime in the future they are welcome too.

I have removed the 'Edit' facilities from members, only the admins have that ability. The point being that when you post you will be held responsible for that post and you will not be able to change or amend it later. So think first before you press that button are you sure you want it to appear for all time unless of course an admin wishes to alter it either via request in PM or due to rating.

There appears to be some members who contribute nothing positive to the board, they whine, winge and pour fuel on the flames if there is any to be found. It seems they simply get off on it and appears to be theyre entire purpose on the board. Change your attitudes and contribute some positive posts or find somewhere else to heap you garbage onto.

I am planning in introducing some benefits to members in the coming year other than just posting here. In time I will reveal what they are. I know its way early but our 10th anniversary is just under 2 years away. I plan in making our biggest get-together yet in or around November '09 with as much publicity as possible. So until then - lets keep it together.

Finally I wish to thank all those that have contributed much to our club in whatever shape or form and have been instrumental in keeping it going. I have only one agenda here and thats to ensure the club continues well into the future. The legendary Hayabusa is here to stay for quite some time yet, with many newcomers to the bike yet to come. It is also for them that this club seeks to establish itself. So please lets all look after it.

[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Long live the Hayabusa
good to be back Yes
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
Clap lets hope its all good, no slagging each other, ive been here about a year & have noticed a definate swing in attitude, lets hope that people can be more tolerant, i just hope that past differences can be laid to rest, it would be ashame if recent members are banned cause they've pissed someone, i enjoyed some of the banter that occoured, be nice to each other
[Image: 583b3abf-1.jpg]
well said mate
well put, and good on you Heidi...
Pi_thumbsup Volvi

Yes - the quiet librarian should have got the gig ages ago Clap
She reduced Simmo to a copper puddle at Jindy and he's a toughie Lol3

Let the love in begin Grouphug

Cheers Ruffy

Great to have the board back, I missed you all over Christmas. Hey Heidi, you're a legend mate.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I welcome any change you put into place Volvi, when I got "Big Love" one of the first things I was told was join the AHC. I did and that was almost 2 years ago. I have read many threads from a huge array of personalities and have met a number of those personalities in person and I won't name the all but I will mention a few, you of course Volvi,Heidi,Rocket(RIP)Muther,Bruce,Rev,Busa-Rod,Busgo,GlenTC and recently Madmax, all of you are more or less the heart beat of the club and with-out you our Busa's wouldn't have this club to live in! But with the posts of the last 6 to 8 months and the personalities that have been involved in them we have lost the ESSENCE the SPARK the reason I joined and stayed with the club, Richard and DJ! 2 Blokes that are just great blokes, great personalities that one we don't from that often anymore and one that has chosen to leave. You people with the power of big brother in admin, please don't our club lose anymore grouse personalities so we can keep talking about the best motor bike ever made, the GSX1300R
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
it always is great if everyone gets along but unfortunately this is a public forum asnd sometimes people step on other peoples toes, im not altogether sure it shouild be G rated as to ride or own a hayabusa you need to be 18 and i would have thought it was a adult site.


Thanks for your comments. The G Rating is there for the members and not the visitors, meaning they can browse without any concern either at work or at home with their children close by. Also may help with toning down some rhetoric in "hot weather".
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
I personally think making the forum G rated will kill the AHC.
Does it now mean if some child sees my avatar and it scares them i have to remove it.
If so all previous posts and threads will have to be edited so as not to offend any body in the future


We will let you no if it scares someone .But it will only have to be removed once and it will go automatic from all posts

G = Common sence
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
It's great to be back after our short break and a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Heidi. You go mate!

Also, a big thankyou to VOLVI for keeping the club rolling for the past 8 years and especially during a couple of tough times. We, the admin team, did only what we had to do and now we move on to a bright new future for both the GEN 1 and GEN II owners (even the B-KING owners are welcome).
Geezas, it doesn't matter what your ride, as long as you don't slag off the hayabusa too much!
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO

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