Admins on a power trip
Madmax Wrote:
xhiler8r Wrote:Yeh its worth a go i guess all i want is consistency ban one ban all I reckon dont go playing favourites
You're a good bloke. Thanks



Great Bill now how about following max's example when he changed avatars for the consideration of the board not because he wanted to? (dont paint yourself into a corner that you cant get out of)
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
well volvi that i am not doing if my Avatar offends this board I am afraid you will have to remove it and if that is done I will stand by what i said in one of my earlier posts and you will have to delete my account aswell
Bill, Your Avatars have always been entertaining, to me at least.
Personally I don't find it offensive but a lot of members, including myself monitor the board from work.
I have already been spoken to by a workmate after he saw your avatar.

I have permission to monitor the forum from work because I have a great boss but he won't tolerate open displays in the workplace if images that others may find offensive are on display.

We have a miscellaneous thread where it is allowed within reason and of course I don't go there at work.

If other members on this forum are offended enough to complain, legitimately, then maybe you can come up with one of the tamer ones that you have stashed away but above all don't take the discussion personally. It is not aimed at you but at your avatar mate.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Busgo if i am correct cant people just choose not to see my Avatar in their user CP settings and uncheck the Display users Avatars in their posts

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Yes, of course we or I can but then I don't see all of the input to the board that I have to monitor and the other visitors are denied part of their interaction with the fellow members.

I certainly don't want or need to alter my settings every time I log on.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Bill I have always loved your avitars but if viewed from work they can create the wrong impression, Ive had it happen to me but then again I told em to f*** off when they asked me about it. Some dont have that luxury.

Seems a bit tough to me mate but you might have to change it for the time being.

Dont take it personally mate --- btw your still a dickheadPi_tongue
i dont know about you, but i read some of the first page of this thread and thought to myself, "what the ... am i a part of?"

this is NOT why i joined this forum.

This is NOT what i think this forum is about.

I'm drunk and really really pi..ed off about what's going on.

I don't own the forum, nor do i have a say in how it's run. But F**K me if it aint going to S**T real quick.

I don't even know why i'm posting this. it really isn't worth complaining that something you used to love is being destroyed by dictators and morons. I respect Ray and Volvi, but i think the forum is sinking in its own excretia and somebody better start paddeling soon before it's all over.

I love my Busa, and i love this forum, I respect ALL of it's members, and I want to be a part of something special. Open the forum up to the members and let the morality of the many dictate to the few.

I'm a I can only speak from what Iâ€ve seen in the past few weeks.

I come here for info on one the best bikes produced...end of story........not to find friends as there are a few locals here that - well are a little strange to say the least. It seems that from a keyboard they are hit with the "total tool" stick.

Now if I only use this board for info I'll live with that. If I can also find a few normal people that like what I like then great. Unfortunately so far the grubs hinder me from remembering the decent dudes. If the scum gets lifted then that suits me just fine.

Not that it means much coming from a newbie but.... Clean it up Volvi & make it a site I can actually visit for info while at home in front of my 6 & 9 year old daughters. There are plenty of sicko sites out there that can more than cater for the tossers.
Well said HD Dude.

By the way, I notice Bill's de-registered himself.
BLACKZOOK Wrote:Bill I have always loved your avitars but if viewed from work they can create the wrong impression, Ive had it happen to me but then again I told em to f*** off when they asked me about it. Some dont have that luxury.

Seems a bit tough to me mate but you might have to change it for the time being.

Dont take it personally mate --- btw your still a dickheadPi_tongue

Bruuuuce u had better change your avatar also ,we dont want to see people suiciding with a can of petrol (or) It might give someone ideas.
Generally I disaprove of censorship, but support democracy...seeing Mecanx banned gives me a warm fuzzy feeling that the system can work, he contributed nothing but ill will, and we can do without him.

Good work Volvi and those ppl that stood up!
Here here. Spot on!

Max:haya is what this is all about.
Thanks for your support Cam, however its now in the past and I dont want to re-hash all this shyte, so Im locking down the thread thereby not allowing it to continue.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.

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