Photo Down-sizing ????
Can anyone refer me to a program or direct me as "How to downsize a photo off digital camera from 1.3MB in size, to lets say 100kB for sending purposes????"
I use a Canon camera, which i can't seem to change the settings (standard from issue - and others have had a go to reduce quality - but seems ok.).
All my pics I have downloaded come out over 1+MB. - way to big - buts fits on my screen normally!
I have tried Adobe photoshop, ArcSoft Photo Suite #5, Windows Wizard pictures, Zoom Browser #5....

Is there a program to reduce property of file, and then save as similar size to screen. just want a standard photo

Cheers, AeroCat

PS - Merry Christmas and New Year to all whilst i think of it ... saw some Busa's on road lately, and when i went for a ride down to Inverloch last month =)
I never could work out how to do it simply so i just send it to myself and tick resize.

Did you ever pick up your old tank from Pete ?
a quick way is to do this...

click on "Start" then "run" then type "mspaint" open the file in question, then from the menu of mspaint, click on "image" then click on "Attributes"

Choose to resize it in "pixels" best sizes are 800 x 600, 1024 x 768 & for smaller size 640 x 480.

try a few & see what you get - remember to save them as "jpg" files as well
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
Thanx guys, both of the ideas I will try. I have not used MSPAINT before, so will se how that goes. I will let you know.

Heya Maj, I did ring Pete after you said last time, and he said Tank is not worth even picking up coz it looks nothing like it was, but hey, I'm shooting out that way tomorrow actually, so I damn well might pick it up - thanx. ... will let you know ... maybe he can have my old Busa stuff i gotta get rid of outa garage.
there used to be a link in 'downloads' for a small windows ap, if its still there.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
I will assume that you still have photoshop. So, lets look at it. Open up your image.

1. Make your colour corrections first. Go to 'Image', 'Adjustments'. There is a number of way to do this. the simpliest way is to go to 'Auto-levels'. Doesn't always correct it properly but play with the histogram in 'levels'. Move the little triangles'. You can get away with an Auto-level and some minor adjustment in 'brightness and contrast'. A crappy image can be fixed in most cases.


2. Next, Crop the image to your desired size. Drag a box. Go to 'Image' and 'Crop'. This will leave you with a decent base image to make smaller.


3. The guts of it. Sizing. Go to 'Image', 'Image Size'. For the net, go to 72 dpi. This will drop it down a fair bit. it is still way to big physically.

4. Go to the magnifying glass, right click on the image and select 'Actual Pixels'. Go back to image size, change the width and height drop down to 'percent'. Run with this sequence. Change it too 70%, click ok, open 'Image Size' again, 80%, and repeat until the size is right for what you want to show on your display. The temptation is too take great big steps. it hurts the image too much. Little bites a few times is better.


5. Adda nice border or whatever you want to make it present better. For example, I took the fluff off the carpet and the red spot out of the Xmas tree. Save it as a Jpeg at quality level 9. Then, post your heart out. My final image here is 121kb. About right for the job.


And that's it. Happy posting.

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