Raz the Tosser
Dude I dont know what sort of drugs you are on but something is frying you limited brain cells that you have you might wanna reconsider attacking me for no reason.Your behaviour on this board over the last few months has been fucken ridiculous. act ya shoe size and not ya fucken age cause i reckon ya shoes are bigger than your age tosser.If you keep going down this path with me I guess you will be finding out just how big i am in person I hope you have heaps of mates with you when we meet.

quote from you and i really have no idea on what you are on about


ok - enough's enough fark wit - I dont care how big you are what you do - I am farking sick of you posting around the forum with shit I say - I dont know if your joking or seriously are such a farking little pee wee smack - but I am sick of it - farking stop it please!

I dont do shit just because I want to - I do things to try & help where I can with people - if that includes calling someone because they are worried about another member & maybe it can be sorted - then fine - but that Nem guy was seriously saying he would go off & hit her...

so unless you really like that kinda shit - just fark off & leave me alone!
OOOWWWWW a boarder war.
Happy_bday to me.
I'd beat you all up, hurry up and have a biff already!
Seriously Guys, All of you grow up and act your age.

There was a friggin misunderstanding in relation to the interpretation of comments... This was by many people not just RaZ. This bullshit was totally uncalled for from everyone including Tez n Nem..

Luv you guys, but hey everyone has made up and now there is no reason for any of this shit to be left on the board. I think it is in the best interest of the ADMINS to delete any threads or posts with abuse, as this isn't what the forums are here for!

Sure, have a bit of fun, give a bit of shit, but also know the limits of yourself & others.

Someone tries to help & has it in the best interest of others, then gets this shit.. Sure, i don't agree with the way it was done, but hey everyone is an individual..

Just delete all the crap & forget about it...

xhiler8r, to be honest, i think you just lowered yourself by doing the same shit..

To ALL of you, please grow up !

To ADMINS / MODS, please delete all the crap that is on the forums & make this a better place !
... starts to sing ....... " Where is the love.......... " steps down from the stage ...

Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
hey silly question - but whats the " reputation" under our user names ? notice most people are "0" ??
Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
Ozboc Wrote:hey silly question - but whats the " reputation" under our user names ? notice most people are "0" ??


Regards Richard.....

Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death.

[Image: l_b8cd83806072859a2e37a2a757a8eb9a.jpg]

new thing implemented to try nd kurb the growing un easyness in the ozbusa population

guys i still have no idea on what he is on about I havent even talked about the guy or to the guy so it beats me what the f*** he is talking about as for lowering myself to someone elses standards I dont see that either if someone wants to flame me for no reason well i see it that i should at least give them a reason that is why i posted his PM for all to see I would like for him to post up what i have apparently said about him just to give me a clue maybe
Honestly people, I didn't join these forums to see the slagging and all of this bull-shit ! ! ! Seriously, keep what is said in PM's in PM's. That's why they are PRIVATE MESSAGES ! ! !
Geez, by doing this shit you will lose members, not gain them !
read your pm's X!

it was a cut & paste - so sue me - either way the point was I asked you to stop some of your shit towards me in a PERSONAL MESSAGE!
Instead of replying to that - for what ever reason - be it that you couldn't handle it on your own or something - decided to come & post it here in the general section. Way to go X.

So instead of being the 30 plus something guy you are ment to be - you act like a 12 year forum whore & post it here for all to see.

It came about simply because you & mechx seem to want to follow my posts around - you dont know me from a bar of soap - yet seem to think you have me all figured out as well.

That shits me - but worse is that you didn't have to balls to just reply to me & ask wtf was wrong? in which case I would have seen that I in fact did not edit it at all & sent it - which was @ 11:30pm while I was tired & hence the non edit.

So I am glad you think you have done some god here or what ever - still say you should have been the man your meant to be & just replied to me instead of posting here. sorry to see I guess.

As to what you said at the start of your post, you think I am such a bad bloke huh? well ok then, lets see.. mybb, tez, commando & a few others that know me here in melbourne - know that if they needed help, I will always put up my hand to help out.
I setup the whole wireless thing for Mr Rod in his last days as well - even tho I was losing my job & now I am left with a bad debt because set people deiced no to help me with it.
I got my old man to help out commando when he dump his bike, from one side of the city to the other I draggedmy old me & myself there just to help a fellow club mate. I am always helping out mybb(azza) with things, Tez could call me any time & know that I will help her out as well.

On other bike clubs I am known as one guy that will always help if you need it & I can hep, I setup a number of rides for that club - try here but since everyone thinks so bad of me - meh.

Things I have done wrong.... well lets see here.

When Jindy came around - I asked Richard why there was hardly anything for the raffle, I offered to throw in something - yes some hayabusa models. Before the jindy ride I talked to Richard & said I didn't have them , might be loseing my job & wasn't sure if I could pull them through - but because it was already out there he said it wasn't a big deal & when I was ok I could send them out - well we know how that turned out dont we?? last time I ever off to help with anything.

what else X?

oh yes - my last post about nem - did you see Tez's post there? does it not say that I had a fairly good insight to the issue? truth is I didn't I called nem coz I have met him - think of him as a cool guy & thats it, I call - find out he is actually pretty upset & I was worried, could I have done it different - yes, was told so & I thought so after as well, somethings happen in haste.

Now ask your self Xhiler - does that sound like what your saying? fact is you dont know me & neither does half the club. I hate the fact that out site has turned in this type of forum because it was once a place where the likes of Hodge, rev & others would happy post & talk & meet up at the coffee nights... no longer :(

pitty aint it?

Oh yes - one last thing I did "wrong"

Richard needed someone to come to his court date - I said yes... but when the date got closer I got a new job with NAB - due to the nature of the job & how important it was - in the end I couldn't go... he was pinned @ over 180 & out of all the people that went to Jindy from Melbourne - Myself & mybb(azza) were the only ones who even offered to help out. So seriously, talk to me in pm or shut the f*** up because you dont know what your talking about.
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
did i actually make any comments on the Jindy debarkle NO

did I actually make any comments on the Nem debarkle NO

I did however step in and back mechanX up since he wasnt able to do that himself But I didnt go on with it too much it wasnt my fight

I have no time for dickheads that wanna PM me with crap that is why I posted it in general basically to show you that I will not keep crap in the background but be upfront with it Yes it takes the new shine of the new forum and gives new people a bad idea on our place of recreation But dude like i said in the other 2 posts I still have no idea what the PM was about and even after the last post of yours it hasnt enlightened me at all
if you read my last pm - there is a sorry note from this morning because It was a cut & paste that was meant to be edited. its not even an issue X.

I did just say that

oh and the fact that your making judgement calls on me & you don't even know me apart from whats read on here.
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
and while I am getting more shit ragged on me, who else has offered to help out the club as much as I have? I'd like to know - with out making money off us??
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
how about you and i make a deal you dont pm me and everything will be fine and you keep helping out the club and I will just keep riding my bike. You are correct this club is going to the dogs it was a much better place in the past lets hope it gets there again.Here endeth the thread from me good luck to you and every-fucken-one-else on here I need a break from this place

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