The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
2CUTE4U Wrote:Hrmn, apparently a flock of seagulls can be killed with a pack of asprin.

Hmm,i havent seen it for myself but supposedly the rumour
is true..
I rekon mythbusters would settle the myth but due to animal rights,
i dont see it happening Ghastly
Pigs can fly too Whenpigsfly

never fly higher than your angel.
commando Wrote:nnnnnoooooooo bingoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do men have Nipples?
Temperature Detectors maybe?
I don't know, can I phone a friend ?
never fly higher than your angel.
Ask the audience...
i have an idea. don't quiet know if it will work, but feel free to join in.
i start the ball rolling by setting the start of a story. the next person can only add one word, and so on and so on. you can not post two in a row. here goes..........

Once apon a time ,in a place not far from here,
there was a man by the name of Fred, and......

p.s. copy\ paste so that we do not loose track of story line.
Once apon a time ,in a place not far from here,
there was a man by the name of Fred, and he
Once apon a time ,in a place not far from here,
there was a man by the name of Fred, and he had
Once apon a time ,in a place not far from here,
there was a man by the name of Fred, and he had many
Once apon a time ,in a place not far from here,
there was a man by the name of Fred, and he had many
Once upon a time ,in a place not far from here,
there was a man by the name of Fred, and he had many
birth stories
Once upon a time ,in a place not far from here,
there was a man by the name of Fred, and he had many
birth stories that
Once upon a time ,in a place not far from here,
there was a man by the name of Fred, and he had many
birth stories that contained

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