Uneven wear...
Track day will fix them. Cheers,
Ray a set of galespeeds would fix that
$3000 at 10% = 0
this Salesman quits
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!<i></i>
MMMMMMMM Galespeeds
Feel the force. ANGGI<i></i>
Hey Anggi,
Just to be sure, check that both your front forks are evenly setup. A little more or less preload or compression damping on one side will also cause your front tyre to wear on one side more than the other.


I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>
Thanks Busgo never thought of that, will check!!
Feel the force. ANGGI<i></i>
well i set up my suspension, so now they are even!
Feel the force. ANGGI<i></i>
While you are playing with setup Angi stringline your wheels. This prob wont affect tyre wear but will certainly affect handling.

If your unsure bring it over and I'll show you how.

See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson

How do i do that? Get a string and measure from centre of bike to rear axle?
Feel the force. ANGGI<i></i>

I have a stock 2K model and some time back I noticed a slight wobble (when I let go the bar). I then rode it carefully for around 2000 Ks and today while cleaning I noticed that I had a uneven wear in my front tire. I keep the air pressure in check and also keep on doing regular maintenance and this is a new issue to me (is it the wheel bearing, balancing or the setting of the front forks them self) need help in understanding this issue before I get if fixed.

Thank you for all your help.


bgaheer Wrote:Hi,

I have a stock 2K model and some time back I noticed a slight wobble (when I let go the bar). I then rode it carefully for around 2000 Ks and today while cleaning I noticed that I had a uneven wear in my front tire. I keep the air pressure in check and also keep on doing regular maintenance and this is a new issue to me (is it the wheel bearing, balancing or the setting of the front forks them self) need help in understanding this issue before I get if fixed.

Thank you for all your help.


I did have the same problem with two bike s of different makes and it turned out that each bike liked a different tyer. When i put Dunlops on they wobbled changed for Mitchelins it stopped then for the busa The same happened but this time i t put on pirrelli on it stopped also. But i would check your head bearing to see if it rooted, also check the suspension (forks) make sure they are all equal clicks.
Can u post a piccie,uneven wear where in exactly,if you have 2000ks that is of understandable concern
[Image: photo3.jpg]
bgaheer Wrote:BG
Hey Bgaheer,
have you stringlined your back wheel to make sure it's running parallel with your front wheel? If not, that is an indicator that it needs doing.


Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Madmax Wrote:
bgaheer Wrote:BG
Hey Bgaheer,
have you stringlined your back wheel to make sure it's running parallel with your front wheel? If not, that is an indicator that it needs doing.



Hi Max,

If I let go my hand on the bars the bike goes straight (at any speed) - is this a indicator of allingment of the back wheel with front?


bgaheer Wrote:
Madmax Wrote:

Hi Max,

If I let go my hand on the bars the bike goes straight (at any speed) - is this a indicator of allingment of the back wheel with front?
That really depends on the camber of the road mate. The rear only needs to be out a little to induce uneven wear on your front tyre, whereas if the rear wheel was really out to blazes you'd feel like he bike liked either left or right corners while the opposite would feel like you were crabbing around the corner. Only real way to find out is to get a string line on her. Not terrible hard to do - if you don't have anyone near you who knows how to do it I'll flick you a PM with instructions from A to Z on how to get it done.


Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Madmax Wrote:
bgaheer Wrote:
Madmax Wrote:

Hi Max,

If I let go my hand on the bars the bike goes straight (at any speed) - is this a indicator of allingment of the back wheel with front?
That really depends on the camber of the road mate. The rear only needs to be out a little to induce uneven wear on your front tyre, whereas if the rear wheel was really out to blazes you'd feel like he bike liked either left or right corners while the opposite would feel like you were crabbing around the corner. Only real way to find out is to get a string line on her. Not terrible hard to do - if you don't have anyone near you who knows how to do it I'll flick you a PM with instructions from A to Z on how to get it done.




Attached is the picture of the uneven tyre wear.....[attachment=1744][attachment=1745]

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