Waiheke Island
Action-smiley-083Was on Waiheke last weekend and saw a Black Busa cruising round. How would you ever get it into top gear ??? Straightest bit of road on the island wouldnt be longer than 200m and the way the buses fly round there you'd be scared sh**less of meeting one on those narrow little tracks that are supposed to be roads. Does the Black rider get on here ????Hayabusa
Maybe the person in question just doesn't like to change gears LOL
Chopper says - "Harden the f*** up Australia"
He would be the only motorcycle there - period, wouldnt he. And if he gets bored with Waiheke he could go to Great Barrier Island.
Sunday morning there was bikes all over the place, or maybe the same couple going round in circles
He would need a pretty good take off ramp!
check your pm's tone
Bloody hell...I never knew I had any...and there were 3!

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