A timely reminder
I drop in from time to time to bait the morons there.
Netrider is a classic example of young males' testosterone writing cheques that their capabilities can't cash. Who's cbr250rrrrrrrrrrrrr is faster than someone else's zx2rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and who got the best deal from sumoto.
As for the group rides?
Well I can't say I've ever been on one (excluding the toy run) where it hasn't been a race for who goes in front........ no matter which club runs it.
You want out of control, you should try a RAT ride. Those guys are loonatics.
The Ant Wrote:A COMPLETE IDIOT! Also he uses the site to get back at and insult his club members he has a grudge with inwhich many members leave in protest for themselves or others...how stupid is that?

yeah mate as you know im well aware of who you're refering too and my brother was an admin for the club until he got sick of all said persons bullshit... VIC.torian or nsw it does seem to be a common problem in that clubLol3
slowandsteady Wrote:young males' testosterone writing cheques that their capabilities can't cash.

this demonstrates your point nicely mate.

Licence Back!
Never heard of them....
Never ride the A model of anything.
slowandsteady Wrote:No pity for the squids or the other oxygen wasters that think every road is a race track.
Feel for those who have genuine accidents - oil/obstructions on the road, the momentary lapse........ after all we've all overcooked a corner and it's a part of the learning experience that comes with age and maturity (and survival instinct) that teaches us to ride within our limits and allow for the unexpected.
This squiding thing worries me though. I really believe that helmets only as a mandatory minimum is a joke. If you can afford a bike, you should be able to afford CE approved jackets, pants and boots at least and only the morons in the riding community would be against legislating this sort of policy.
It seems the stunters are the ones leading this squiding stupidity. Almost every vid posted on the web (as well as articles in bike mags) show these guys doing their thing in t-shirts and shorts (must be the "I'm tough and have no fear" thing)
You would think that the bike mags would, at least, try to impose some restrictions on the content by telling these guys "sure we'll promote stunting but only if your going to suit up".
(I think I might write a letter to the MRA on this one)

May be the RTA should start up a new TV complain, Give a squid the finger
I'm so chicken shit I don't even go down the local shop with out gloves on. I have even seen a bloke riding with bare feet once Idiot2
Quote:May be the RTA should start up a new TV complain, Give a squid the finger
Wasn't the RTA a major sponsor of the "What do we have to do to get noticed" campaign? That ad was the ultimate in squidding.
We get penalised down her in Vic. with a "motorcycle tax" on our rego and yet Vicroads seems to do everything but the really cheap and obvious....
OK. No Mandatory Australian Standard for protective clothing makes it impossible to legislate penalties for non compliance but the fact is, almost half of fatalities are single vehicle (ie: rider only) accidents. It seems, we, as a body of individuals do nothing to regulate our own choices/behavior.

I have no qualms giving a bit of lip to squids about their stupidity. Espcially the new "female scooter brigade". Chicks who fly along with nothing but a pair of pantyhose covering their legs - isn't that a reflection of poor rider training at the most basic level? you'd think the bike shops would be upselling safety gear to these people by letting them know just what sort of damage they can do , aside from the fact that the rider training schools obviously aren't doing much either.
Is it because they don't see scooters as real bikes and therefore the riders don't expose themselves to real dangers?
I've had more near misses in the CBD than any other place I ride...
maggot Wrote:Roll
The Ant Wrote:A COMPLETE IDIOT! Also he uses the site to get back at and insult his club members he has a grudge with inwhich many members leave in protest for themselves or others...how stupid is that?

yeah mate as you know im well aware of who you're refering too and my brother was an admin for the club until he got sick of all said persons bullshit... VIC.torian or nsw it does seem to be a common problem in that clubLol3


And this administrator types that he's got balls, whats he ever done that makes him so self appointedly ballsy except type negative comments hiding behind his keyboard? My advice to him is this, Theres courage and theres fools courage, if your crashing trying to go around corners fast, dont let this stupidity make you believe you got any. Bikeme.tv gives them the abuse that they truly deserve. Pity their forum isn't publicly displayed any more.

The best argument against logic is stupidity...just ask Netrider admin! It should be called SafetyNetrider Fatman<-- hey looks like someone we know

slowandsteady Wrote:I drop in from time to time to bait the morons there.
Netrider is a classic example of young males' testosterone writing cheques that their capabilities can't cash. Who's cbr250rrrrrrrrrrrrr is faster than someone else's zx2rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and who got the best deal from sumoto.

Theres one idiot I went on a ride with his mates who used to have a 250 hornet that has crashed it many times around corners and its gone down more times (as what 1 member there described it) than a male gigelo. On one of these crashes he too broke his shoulder and had and still has a rod in his shoulder. Being a Rossi/Stoner wanna be, he's now up graded to a red Japanese V twin imitation Ducati (VFR 800)Lol2 and as we were passed by a 1 litre sports bike in the bush I took off after it over taking them (at not excessive speed) to have fun assumming they were to follow to have fun also. After following it for about nearly a km and realised they weren't going to follow so I slowed down for them to not break up the group. This VFR clown was so shattered I passed he had to blow his ring hole to over take me later on (which I had no problem with) to counter his insecurities. When we pulled over he got so shitty cursing me for passing him when I said something back speaking in a very calm non-intimidating fashion (cause hes such a little weak runt) he was to afraid to say anymore. On an online thread about peoples riding, he brought it up and writes it off with a spin how much of an authoritive he is on riding (when he's only been riding for 2 and a bit years) screaming about that he over took me and blah blah blah when I didnt know it was a race as it was just a group ride. To this $hit rider, don't leave anything out when you write and get some more victories under your belt...you might begin to feel like a man. The previously mentioned administrator encourages this sook to have a go at me and when I'm about to stand up for myself he locks the thread then out of context from what I write, fabricates melicious rumours on line.

This guys emotions and ego is more fragile than a womans pre-menstrual emotions. (No offence to the woman readers here)
slowandsteady Wrote:No pity for the squids or the other oxygen wasters that think every road is a race track.
Feel for those who have genuine accidents - oil/obstructions on the road, the momentary lapse........ after all we've all overcooked a corner and it's a part of the learning experience that comes with age and maturity (and survival instinct) that teaches us to ride within our limits and allow for the unexpected.

This squiding thing worries me though. I really believe that helmets only as a mandatory minimum is a joke. If you can afford a bike, you should be able to afford CE approved jackets, pants and boots at least and only the morons in the riding community would be against legislating this sort of policy.

It seems the stunters are the ones leading this squiding stupidity. Almost every vid posted on the web (as well as articles in bike mags) show these guys doing their thing in t-shirts and shorts (must be the "I'm tough and have no fear" thing)
You would think that the bike mags would, at least, try to impose some restrictions on the content by telling these guys "sure we'll promote stunting but only if your going to suit up".

(I think I might write a letter to the MRA on this one)

I agree with mandatory riding protection,a few european countrys have enforced that law years ago,you also have to keep in mind that they also have better/faster roads.What is imperative is that the POLICE first and foremost should LEAD BY EXAMPLE.On several occasions when pulled over or otherwise I have seen these officers with just a shirt and their bubble gum pants, where is the protection????where is the body armour????? Im preety sure thay have equipment at their disposal.To top it all off they carry a fire arm in a non protective impact case.God forbid if the officer comes off and takes a good tumble/scrape,it has been proven overseas that there is a possibility that his 40cal Glock which has no safety(trigger activated) could actually discharge(proven in the U.S,Germany,Austraia).The odesity of it all is that we where/are being fined on a few sorry arse regulations like the 45degree angle on your rear fender or that your Yoshi is too loud(like we dont need other dickheads to hear us coming) when the real issue is that rider education is limited,the Q ride courses are a joke and the roads are a disater.I am one of the first to admit that I do tend to twist the throttle hard on occasions but I do back off when im in a new riding enviorment or riding with less experienced individuals.Riding is a lifstyle and if youre abusing it than the consequences are possibly death and if you are lucky you will get away with serious injury.I have seen some riders going nuts on roads that are of third world conditions but do you think they get it???????naaah not this time,maybe after a kilo of their skin is left on the tarmac,hopefully than it will be consumed(maybe!!!!!).My father once told me that any uneducated rider should paint their bikes white and write across the whole dam thing MOBILE ORGAN DONOR at least like that he can let us know that his riding ability is as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.Ride safelyBiker
Going slightly off topic but still on the issue of safety, I was 4x4ing through appin a few months back (before the youtube stuff turned up on TV )

There was a few guys riding a suzuki 250 - bike looked brand new - or close enough -- and not one of the guys riding the bike had a helmet, only safety gear they had was riding goggles (singlets shorts one guy had thongs on ) .. could not help but shake my head at there stupidity - and a thought of my $600 + contribution to the gov each week will be paying for these dicks when they have a big off in the bush. When i continued on i seen the car the owner had -- it was a fairly new Ute ( triton from memory) so this guy can afford the car , the new bike but cant fork out the $150 for even the cheapest of lids ??? With any luck these guys will be killed outright leaving the expense to the family rather than the tax payers...

These are the F*&kwits that make bike riders look bad -- and people who want to use appin for recreational purpose equally bad ....

I for one NEVER SQUID - EVERY time i jump on my bike i presume it may be the time i will be getting knocked off so i want to be prepared in that event- Self preservation is more important to me that showing my muscles in a singlet on my bike - If heat is a factor - i will take my car and put on aircon.... i have worked in industries that have harsh OH&S( beginning of work involved all kinds of JSA's working at height - hot work permits and so forth at least 1 hour a day before work started ) regulations so i guess a little of those safety issues have been drilled into me and pass onto my attitude towards bikes ....

Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....

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