Sydney MC Expo - Who's going?
Hey edris,
Yeah the 08 is what I'm waiting on. Dealing with Newcastle. Was talking with Action originally, but they were telling me things that didn't seem right. Delivery dates, pricing... They were very helpful and friendly, but just telling me what (they thought) I wanted to hear to get my deposit. Very happy with Newcastle though. Going in tomorrow to try on some gear, and see if there is an update on delivery. Will let you know!
Canberra contingent of Max and Busdriver are looking at the Sunday.

Busdriver (aka Les)
Busdriver Wrote:Canberra contingent of Max and Busdriver are looking at the Sunday.

I'm trying to get Heidi along too. Good excuse for a pissup in the Big Smoke.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Busdriver Wrote:Canberra contingent of Max and Busdriver are looking at the Sunday.

Are you guys going up the highway?
That's the plan. Federal to Goulburn, then the Hume to Sydeny.

With the obligatory stop at Maccas along the way. Gives Heidi a chance to pull the blokes if she comes along.

Busdriver (aka Les)
Busdriver Wrote:That's the plan. Federal to Goulburn, then the Hume to Sydeny.

With the obligatory stop at Maccas along the way. Gives Heidi a chance to pull the blokes if she comes along.
Forgive us mother we have sinned, we forgotsed about the halloeen partyFrown BUT we do promise to get on the piss for ya in the big smoke.Pi_thumbsup

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Looks like a few from Newie may be coming on Sunday as well.
I'll keep an eye on the discussion for the planning.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
I will be there on Saturday (from Newy). Driving down for about 10:30.
I'm having the biggest Halloween party of all time on the Sat night and if I'm not there, the people I've invited will trash my house. I would KILL to come!
I never got an invite, that's why I'm going to the Bike Expo.

.......but I never get invites to anything. No that's a lie. My wife invited me to leave once.

Busdriver (aka Les)
I DID invite you you nobhead! I told Max to invite you. I mentioned there was going to be young nubile women, but you like the crusty old slappers don't you?
Max didn't pass the invite on. I mentioned that I didn't get an invite and he said "what, Heidi didn't send you one".

Busdriver (aka Les)
Busdriver Wrote:Max didn't pass the invite on. I mentioned that I didn't get an invite and he said "what, Heidi didn't send you one".

Obviously my bad bloke. I'm strongly considering staying home and going to Heidi's party. Rain forecast for the weekend again. Mind you, I saw the Newby Busa at Philip Island. Nothing else worth looking at, bikewise that is.

Ruffy has offered us a bed for the night, Goodonya John.

Your thoughs BusConductor?

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Rain forecast.....Staying home might be the better idea.

Busdriver (aka Les)
Rain forecast.....Staying home might be the better idea.

Watch the forecaste, talk Thursday night.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!

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