31-10-2008, 12:10am
The only person ever to decline a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction was Sinclair Lewis for his book Arrowsmith.
The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
31-10-2008, 12:10am
The only person ever to decline a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction was Sinclair Lewis for his book Arrowsmith.
31-10-2008, 12:10am
Horatio Alger, the man whose name symbolized success, had many personal problems and died broke. His stories of poor boys who became rich inspired people to a better life -- but Alger himself did not profit by it.
31-10-2008, 12:11am
Elizabeth Bacon Custer, wife of "The Boy General" is one of the few women buried at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York
31-10-2008, 12:11am
Cleopatra's last name was Ptolemy, and she was Greek rather than Egyptian.
31-10-2008, 12:13am
The type specimen for the human species is the skull of Edward Drinker Cope, an American paleontologist of the late 1800's. A type specimen is used in paleontology as the best example of that species.
31-10-2008, 12:15am
Leon Trotsky, the seminal Russian Communist, was assassinated in Mexico with an ice-pick.
31-10-2008, 12:16am
A scholar who studies the Marquis de Sade is called a Sadian, not a Sadist (of course).
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