Front number plates on motorcycles by 2009...
I have trying to post the letter but the forum keeps erroring
so heres a linki too it .
Gezz i got my name down twice on that petition (oops) and can anyone photoshop a number plate on the mighty busa? i need a laugh Lol3
Absolutely unbelievable the twaddle that these blokes come up with. Given the appalling state of the pavement (certainly here in NSW) the disabled nature of the plod and their inability to take part in anything that approaches true road safety policing, the disgraceful state of a motorists ability to drive on bloody expensive tollways and still be sitting in bumper to bumper traffic, the fact that after promising to keep toll levels realistic and monitored (Bollocks!!) etc etc etc You'd think these blokes would have some higher priorities on their agendas.
The other thing that bothers me is that this body included some sort of police inclusion. I don't think that any group of motorcyclists would give a fair uncoloured opinion of traffic matters where any of that lot are involved. Too much corruption and misuse of power. Especially given that most discussions around road safety always seem to lead to them being given more power to abuse. Who let the lunatics run the asylum!!!Confused
It's a week by week charade.
they say a little revolution every now and then is healthy thing and the governemnt is definatly sick........ im not suggesting anything tho

Dan85 Wrote:they say a little revolution every now and then is healthy thing and the governemnt is definatly sick........ im not suggesting anything tho

It must give the RTA the complete and utter shits in Canberra as the speed detection vans usually screen and photograph vehicles from the front. They can screen and phot traffic travelling away from the vans, but, you can imagine that all the traffic has well and truly slowed down by the time they get to the vans. - Traffic slowes, but no revenue. They'd hate that!

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Same goes for many ppl i have seen - Wheelie past them & then no plates visible at all when at 12, well supposedly..
Just read the article.Lol2 This is typical of the trend towards lefty feminist policies. Just like every other lefty feminist initiative, the pubic servants who put this into practice will be sipping champagne and patting each other on the back, meanwhile the rest of us are left mopping up the ever increasing pile of puke. Here's a hint Victoria, stop voting them in!Lol2
yet the federal opposition leader is a rider mmm?

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