VIC ride Sunday 9th February
Thanx to all involved for the magnificent ride on sunday.(although maybe a slight bitter taste to you Richard & Jo).So i guess i'm not a virgin anymore after my first ride with the club and i lived to tell the tale.Thanx also to Les and Scott for the pix,see you next ride......later Rod
Thanx for the piccies, both of ya.

Yes, I came home to a letter from the constabulory department of Marysville, containing 2 tickets. I am currently consulting legal advice.
"I'm sure you can fit the cylinder on the back there, Ron"

Edited by: demeester  at: 2/11/03 8:57:40 am
Oh shit Richard, that's bad news, he must have posted them on Sunday! At least you know where you stand now, not left wondering.

By the way, red X on post above.
i think you can see the bike on the footpath in one of the photos and it seems to be parked hard up against the coffee shop's garden boundary, therefore NOT "parked unreasonably obstructing the path of pedestrians" - it serves to support the fact that the copper ooopps... tosser was hunting and may even help richard with mounting a case...

Richard,i bet when you opened the letter from the cops(tossers) you were hoping it was 2 tickets to the policemans ball hahaha
That's very funny Rod.

Has anyone on a Harley ever accompanied us on any of our rides?

Just curious. I have a good friend who owns a Harley, don't think we'll ever see it on a ride though.

Too far behind!
We nearly had one guy join us on his 125cc road/trail once...
Im sure he could keep up with you guys
particularly near Marysville...
but can u keep up with thebigshow g?
when are u taking one of those 'sick days'?...drop me a line

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