It was an absolute Crap night mate and you didnt miss anything!!!!
It looked like it was going to be great as we had 2 runs within 40 mins of it starting and there were hardly any cars but as the night went on, I guess everyone rang Everyone and all the cars rocked up late , then they fell apart as usual then they were giving preference to the people that turned up late , pushing them in the line and also the whole forecourt in the pre burnout area was soaked from the tunnel to the track!!!!
Overall run count 4 what a crap organisation!!!!!!
Then to add insult to injury when they usually give us the last run they cut us off and gave the last run to the cars?????
WSID stand's for What Sux In Drags!!!!!!!!!
To the not so wonderful Administration at wsid
Actually feel Ripped Off!!!!!
Blue Thunder!!!!
Andrew :)
Blue and Silver Bling the Best thing!!!!!<i></i>
Leonard - tell us about your ride on the "Blue " Bike
Cheers Ruffy <i></i>
Was a fun night overall for me.My best run was the last one but I have to work on my (lack of) reaction times lol.
<i>Edited by: Speedzalot at: 6/7/06 5:16 pm
Fantastic effort first time out.A 1.8 60 ft on your first night shows you know how to launch.You go forwards then you,ll go backwards but stick with it as there are a few guys now in the 10.2-10.4 bracket on busas to keep you inspired as well as bruce and leonard to keep you humble. <i></i>
Speedzalot thats great 60-1.834 its taken me a year and a half to get down to that thants to the WSIDSMCM
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just all poor slow copies !!!!!<i></i>
Give me a yell Rob and I'll make you another set this time -3"
I'm making another set for mine I can slam it now with the new pipe mounts
Give it a try Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
<i>Edited by: Blackzook at: 6/7/06 10:40 pm
Just for Sunday, remove the hugger,put in a set of dogbones 3"lowered and bring your loweringstrap. If you can, drop the forks 20mm in the clamps.
I've seen you ride, you can do a whole lot better than 1.8 60'.
Leonard. <i></i>
Shit I don't know remove my rear hugger ?? with all my new Copper Bling
I have droped the forks down to the tripple tree already
I'm going out for a ride on Saturday then maybe the footy at night then off to the drags Sunday morning,
Bruce if your coming for the ride on Sat and you have a spare set bring them anyway but a bit of may get in the way...
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just all poor slow copies !!!!!<i></i>
Hey Bruce, can you make me a set as well ?(the usual payment [VB's] will follow, of course ). I think I'd like to try the 145mm (drops 3 inches) with the new triple tree and see how I go... <i></i>
No need for the visitors beer mate I'll knock up a couple of sets. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Simmo, I will bring a set of -3 out for you.
I have taken another inch out of the back of mine and I have a spare set.
Do you have a strap?? <i></i>
If Simmo, doesnt use it Dave, I will give it a go. <i></i>
Thats the hard part Simmo, already done.
Bruce if you cant get them done let me know and I'll pull the R/B apart for the bones and strap and hidden Nos......opps too much info.
Give us a bit of notice but....20mins should be ok!
Leonard. <i></i>
20 minutes... unless the bolts are like mine!
Thanks Bruce
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
Not much in the way of motorised vechicles that hasn't been loosened up at some stage around here Pan.
Except maybe
Leonard <i></i>