WSID and Rapid Changed December Run to 14th
Without seeing it for real I think the Orange doesnt look too bad on the stretched body work, it kind of looked wrong before, Red/Black definately belongs on the sleeker stock body work like yours Pan!

I am curious about the motor being stock, I wouldnt have thought Jamie would own anything stock!

Shayne <i></i>
Jamie does not own it one of the young guys who I think works at his shop does. Cant think of his name. These are only shake down runs, the plan is to strip it down and get serious with mods and boost over the xmas break. Jamie is aiming for 550 rwhp. Bruce

See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.

Arh that explains it, I thought it was Jamie's bike!

I remember the young fellah at Bikefest, it was stock motored back than, non turbo and not very nice too look at, Orange is a definate improvement.

Shayne <i></i>
Shayne, I think the orange looks odd on THAT bike because of the stretched look too. I think on a normal shape with polished bits though...

Congrats on ya 500th post Bruce,
come down and pick up ya prize...
Classic pic wif da birds...what farkin bike... Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!<i>Edited by: Djpete at: 10/12/05 9:45 am
Here Ya GO!!


Andrew :)<i></i>

His name is Alex, nice young bloke having a go at a turbo Busa.

He used to run a TLR got it down to 9.6sec used as a daily rider with Gas.

He's a real keen rider, would do a track day at EC then ride in the gate to WSID and spend the night drag racing.

The motor is currently stock .

Pan, if you dislike his bike your gonna hate mine


Hey Leonard

Another orange one, thats the colour I was leaning towards, oh well.

Hows the progress on the new bike?

I heard you had been around the bloke a couple of times, doesnt sound to far away from its debut.

Disappointed about Bike Night being cancelled last month, was hopeing to catch up.

Planning a few trips to WSID next year will have to be then.

Shayne <i></i>
You too
I have been eyeing off the Ford orange and blue but in a 02 busa style.
When i was racing speedway sedans i had a bright dayglo orange as my racing colour! <i>Edited by: Maj750t at: 10/12/05 11:28 pm

Dont worry too much about what others say about your riding style, at least your having a go....

I dont tuck down much, I think the tank and seat dont help the situation.

As far as launching like a girl, make sure you check out the launch on the person giving you the advise in the first place, EASY TO SAY HARDER TO DO.....

I don't think my upright launches are girlly



Yeh, nearly done dont like rushing these things, want to go out and run a good number first meeting hopefully so I want everything spot on . I've been around the block a few times (about a 5k loop) to get a hold on Data logging the A/F and learn to read and adjust it.

After all it is a streetbike so I should be able to ride it on the street without problems.

The bike isn't Orange if thats what you thought.

Pity about the rain, will be going up to Willowbank for the next national round.

<i>Edited by: Blackkat at: 11/12/05 10:19 pm
2 more sleeps do you think it will over EC
I have my straps now, do think I should try a 43 tooth rear again, my best times are on 40 (better launches), now seeing I can drop the front down a few inches, will it realy help hold the front down that much or will still try and toss me off in every gear ?
Cheers Robert
World Wide CEO
Easyrider Imports
<i>Edited by: simmo at: 12/12/05 9:23 pm

Great to hear its nearly track ready, now which Nationals are you planning to come to as Willowbank have been good enough to have one in January, February and March?

I will be giving the January Event a miss as a competitor but hope to be at all the others as well as the Tin Tops and BikeFest in April and the WinterNationals in June.

Looking forward to see you run again, looked like an exciting ride the last time I saw.

Weather is looking good, Bussa is polished, leathers are clean, I'm KEEEEEN AS.

Looking 4ward to my first run at the strip

Tycho <i></i>
Yeh, another red/black making an appearance at WSID

(sorry Tycho. Just hijacking because Simmo's been on the grey/brown bandwagon again)
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Employee of the Year
Easyrider Imports

woo hoo one more sleep!!!!

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