Throttle Position Sensor
Volvi,best to do throttle synch first then tps or you will find the tps will be out again after you synch throttles.
Its not the phantom anymore,its the urban assault legend!<i></i>
ok thx for that Rod will take your advice. <i></i>
Is synchronising the carbs worth the money? Is it noticeable?
I'm trying to justify buying the Carbtune II to bomber command, so need a good, well at least a plausible excuse....reason! <i></i>
well spent, bomber command should understand <i></i>
Sync'ing the butterflies on any carb or throttle-bodies is always worthwhile. It can turn a rough-running poor-idling engine into a "smoother than a kashmir codpiece" delight Very Happy
Do the jobs in this order:

Balance the throttles
Set the idle
Set the TPS
Check/re-set the idle

Gazza: it's been extraordinarily hot here in the S.E. - for England anyway. Almost touched 100 degrees one day, most of the last fortnight in the high 80's/low 90's. It's killing me at work I'll be glad when the temps drop a bit more.

I'd kill for a set of mercury carbtunes - I don't like the steel rod idea. I use a set of Davida gauges with dampers built into the barbs - haven't had to calibrate them but I have checked the calibration with my vac pump and they are good. Petes turbo project<i></i>
Bear as above,i found that the engine idled a lot smoother and was smoother on engine pick up (acceleration).The other bonus was i found that fuel consumption decreased noticably,but then i cant tell you this as i dont own a busa anymore and im not qualified to comment on them.
Its not the phantom anymore,its the urban assault legend!<i></i>
Thanks for feedback. You've come in for a real hammering Rocket. Poor bugger...............well, you did sell a Busa, what a crime! Think I'll start organising a feeble story line to trot out over dinner.
Ok I just did mine will let engine cool and do again later on or in the morning just to check it up. Remember Im a complete novice and this is my first time.

I believe 99-k1 setup are bit different to later models. Having a 99 the manuel wasnt the most helpful. On 99ers you have 2 little block off hoses at least thats what I presume they are between 1&2 and 3&4, so used them to block off far left and 2nd from right which both leads in from side of engine hoses.

So it appears I got the hose config right, tho had to add supplied plugs as carbtune hoses are too large in diameter. So used existing hose bits off TT junction hoses and fed 5mm plug in them and carbtune hoses in them. Dont forget to prepare hoses with the damping hose I think its called (clear) as supplied.

I noticed great variations in readings depending how carbtune was located. Flat and at 30* was no good rods appeared to stick at times. Best was totally vertical allowing full rod play.

I have to say they were pretty out of tune and took a while to get them all even, whilst choking away in garage even with shutter door fully opened, best done totally outside.

Was it worth it? well I guess once youve done it once it will be far simpler thereafter. I guess if you enjoy doing things yourself and not afraid to learn its worth it as you can always tune your baby at your leisure. And probably 2 to 3 times will more or less pay for itself. <i></i>
But did you notice any change in the low-down running afterwards.

The way I balance throttle bodies is I balance 1&2, then 3&4 then I balance the two pairs together with the center adjuster. Some say start at one end and work along but I've always done it that way and it always works. Petes turbo project<i></i>
Volvi , you cant use the tubes at any angle other than dead vertical.

The way Peter ( Geri ) mentions is the way to do the balance.

Its hard to beat Mercury

here is a set I made some 25yrs ago with scribed lines across the perspex..and still havent topped the mercury old 750 Katana toke a gulp of mercury once and she never coughed much and I still havent grown collie flower ears asa result on the inhalation

Thanks for all the advice guys, and it will be done. Love the rig you made up Gazza, nice work. Pity stuff like murcury is not so readily available now.
I'll have to settle for the steel rods. Good write up too Volvi, and I'm printing up this page for ref.
Cheers <i></i>
Ok all done, did another check this morning and all was still well balanced and yes I did as Geri mentioned thats the way Haynes manuel suggested too. Checked the voltage on TPS and remains good at 1.22 and 4.44 open, didnt adjust further as didnt wnt to reduce the 4.4 to reduce the 1.2 to the correct 1.1 (perhaps adjustment wuda made plus on one and minus on the other, I dunno perhaps shuda tried). Took bike out for a spin and shes a brute but then she always was, perhaps I noticed a 10% improvement perhaps my imagination but running well.

Gaza, carbtune reccomends vertical off the handlebar, I did vertical off the top of fuel tank when raised, hung it on tank support tip with given band.

The strange thing was I noted texta lines on each nipple (prob from when last done) on all 4 nipples.......that wasnt used by hoses from carbtune, so either I did all 4 wrong or they marked the ones not to use. baffles me. <i></i>
as I mentioned elsewhere, I wasnt happy with the tps settings that I made, throttle was way too sensitive and fuel economy bad. So did via the dash -C00 method, lined it up and so far much better and good.

TPS setting is really so easy all shud do it or check it at least. Just pop up the tank, 'paper clip' into dealer mode bracket joining existing 2 terminals. use small allen key as provided in toolkit, ignition ON. Dashs _C00. Loosen TPS and adjust most finely till -C00 and tighten. (PS. dont have to remove airbox)

I'll make this topic sticky as many will want to refer too one day or another.

gazza414 about the start problem caused by tps my 04 busa when cold with the choke on full the revs wont lift up or idle until you use the throttle and manually rise it to 2000 rpm or above then it idles ok but this only happens on first up cold start.... my busa has micron cans, k&n filter, tre and has been dyno tuned by suzuki <i></i>

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