Bruce, Simmo and Heidi trip and live travel map
good to see you all made it home in one piece! well done Clap
Hey there,

Glad that everybody made it home ok. Bruce, how did you get on with the bike getting it home, have you any idea what the almighty wobble is. I'm wondering either a warped rim, or it's thrown a wheel weight. Did the wobble get better or worse with alcohol? Lol3

Well done. Looking forward to learning more about the trip as you all wind down and start to get back to relative noramlity (whatever that is)
Awesome effort guys'n gal! :aussie :aussie :aussie
Excellent venue at Max's, beaut set-up able to eat, drink be merry all with the backdrop of a vista of Busas...though not all the paintwork was sparkling clean due bit of Biker of late

Haha late start due to photos and detox or maybe some careful removal and inverted replacement of a certain number of red pavers b4 Ms Max returned Ghastly
Frameble map souvenir.
and wallpaper size
Hate to point this out Pete but the 15th to 28th is 15 days not 16 mate
fixed.(something tells me there will be more
NT Border

[Image: DSC01086.jpg]

DJ actual distance travelled according to my spedo was 14,972 klm
na sorry Bruce you're wrong.
I measured it.

ONLY joking!!!!
Welcome back
Thanks DJ and Pan for all the puter work you guys put in. Great work on the map DJ thanks again mate
By the way we could easily cut 2-3 days from this trip, issues with broken racks and tyres then slowing down to arrive on time for the Canberra BBQ, this would have taken it back to 11-12 days easily.

To put this ride into perspective that actual around Australia record is under 7 days for the 14000+ klms. Impossible to beat and stay out of jail nowadays. Ours was a leisurely cruze compared to the actual record.

The revelation of the trip for me was how many people are out there on bikes either doing a lap or just riding huge differences for the fun of it. We met plenty of great people even one young lady riding around the country solo on a 250 just for the hell of it.

If anyone in the club is considering a long ride just get out there and do it it's really not that difficult apart from the first few days where everything aches.
Maj Wrote:Congrats Heidi,Bruce and Simmo, thats a huge effort,

Same here well doneClap But their is always a but you forgot the best bit


Pi_freak so...what is the petrol bill???
Hi there,

From what I have read here Bruce was working on the pickup lines to make sure that he did not miss the best part of the map. I think he wanted to revisit Brisbane and Broome on that T shirt tooLol2
that t shirt undies is a classic.
anyway cant wait for the summary report once you get your strength and sanity back
Well done to the trio. A hell of a trip. I reckon Heidi should have a slide night at her mum's place and invite us allLol3
Great job to the riders and great work by DJ and Pan on the posts and the map.
So who's next and where to?Biker
It's a week by week charade.

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