The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
simmo Wrote:Yep night all also, need my beauty sleep Pi_freak
Hey Simmo - you needs LOTS! Roll

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Over 3,000 posts in this thread
3003 to be exact
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
who cares anyway
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
raining again
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
must be up to 3007 or thereabouts
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
up to 3008 now
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
oh look its 30 10
its pretty hot weather here in vic - no rain
Wet and Humid here Storm
[Image: photo3.jpg]
Life is short.
Love each other.
But not me...
The Wild Wind Wrote:But not me...

[Image: photo3.jpg]

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