Chain Adjustment
BUSGO Wrote:If any man alive can tighten the rear axle nut to 100NM with the tool supplied I'd be astonished.

Hey Ray, you had better stay away from Busdriver bloke (Les) He had his back wheel nut tightened to over 100ft lbs when we decided to check it with my torque wrench. We backed it off to 72.5lbs I reckon you could hear the back axle sigh with relief!!

You have a highly efficient powerhouse of a bike, the fastest in the world, a highly technical piece of engineering. Think about it guys. If the manual says 72.5ftlbs then that's what it should be.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Get your shoulder calibrated. I use the standard tools and tighten until my shoulder clicks. Perfect.

I once did 17,500klm on my gen 2 and the chain didnt need to be adjusted. I oiled it every day after breaky on that trip, think we oiled the chains bout a dozen times.
doing a proper stringline setup of the wheels and chain is well worthwhile too.Then you can make reference marks for future adjustments and keep it spot on.Pi_thumbsup( I wondered why my burnouts kept going sideways,lol.)

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