Busdriver Wrote:Hey Max,
What can you tell me abour Woomera. Besides the IDC. What's it like long term...like 6-9 months?
1400+ kays to Alive Springs up the middle.
114 kays to Glendambo for a decent hamburger.
182 kays to Port Augusta (or as the locals call it Pt Agutta)
1700 kays from Canberra, I did it in a day back in 1985 - long way with nothing in between - the best route was Cobar - Broken Hill - Come into the main road somewhere north of Adelaide, a very boring and dangerous stretch kagaroos and emus.
Hot - unbelievably hot during summer and still gets cold enough to need jumpers during winter.
You saw the town with us when we did the old IRPC during the riots, there's even less there now! Pray for a pub.
You'll need your computer to stay sane with the lack of people.
Murray Shirpie closed his servo last year.
Good luck mate, you'll have to buy a trail bike as the sand dunes at Lake Hart are unbelievable!!!
Max = home in a week