It must be cold!!!!
Busdriver Wrote:This girl fitted heated grips to his bike when I first bought it. mmm heated grips mmm

And rightly so but the outside of my hands skill freeze the f*** off, while my palms are cooking. At least Ma Palmer stays happy!RollRoll

I must confess that I ride like a girl when it's this f*&^ing cold! The only joy in riding is that I get to work and into a warm office or home through the traffice to a warm house through the traffic much quicker on the bike.Biker

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
m8ee Wrote:Farkin freezing in brizvegas at the moment too.
19 degrees....... bbbrrrrrrrr.

I'm with you Shane, hate it when it gets below 20. You blokes down south with your hero stories can keep them. I've riden in both and will stick with warm stuff thanx.


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