rapid write up on jindy run
g bus66 Wrote:http://www.rapidbikes.com.au/features_snowyhoot.php

Thanks Gbusa but that is the link from 3 Jindy's ago.

Maybe Jeff will put another Feature link up on the website as well this time.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Looks like I will have to go out and get a copy of the latest Rapid magazine. I could not find it in the online copy.
In the interest of magazine sales, I'll post the story up in a couple of weeks for those who can't get one. But the pictures are worth a thousand words, as they say.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
BUSGO Wrote:Well, I'm glad to say and very excited that this time the editor has published the story without any changes whatsoever.Very Happy
So unlike the last time, I don't have to post the story up.
I would like to thank all those who helped out by submitting some photographs for inclusion.
If you recognise your shots, congratulations to you.
If you look hard, you'll find my name in the fold of the pages.
Thanks again to Jeff Ware and CO. at Rapid Bikes Magazine for supporting our club.

So any reason the Salvo's were not mentioned as the charity??
Or maybe u was not asked by Jeff?
Any reason why they should have been mentioned?
It was a Hayabusa Club run and the Salvos got a bonus thanks mainly to you and the rest of us who participated. I am sure they appreciate it and are not concerned about getting a mention in a bike mag.
I give them money every Friday night at the pub and every month towards the Christmas toy run, as well as food and blankets for the winter appeal. There was no need to mention that either, but seeing as how you asked. Well, there ya go...
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
I didn,t infer words you have written were deleted,rather you didn,t put the salvos in.What i meant was Jeff carefully reads article so as not to have people liable unknowingly as he does for bike writeups.My point is you must have had a problem with the charity to not mention it.If your writing a report on what happened state the facts and reserve opinion and everyone will be happy.If you don,t like the charity become the main sponsor and i,ll buy a ticket.Did you read the part where i said it was pretty good,or was the red mist rising?Lol3
Hey spam man /sparman practice what you preach. It seems you and your old man kwaka are the only ones getting ya jocks in a knot reading earlier posts in this forum or should i say spam board did Busgo piss you off.
Just because we all ride busas doesn,t mean we all share the same bed.I respect those with difference of opinion more than those that withold it.Busgo,s alright i just him gave a poke in the ribs.
Quote:Any reason why they should have been mentioned?

yes i believe ALL charities should be mentioned when there is a donation made by a group etc. , just like the Honda Snowy ride they seem to mention the Cancer charity with no problems. Hey, harleymark no jocks in a knot, pal. What u should do is like your namesake ride a canardley about your speed i reckon.
Hey kwaka shit i am prety quick then
f*** me, I wish you blokes would stop drinking all that red cordial! World War two was never this good!!Lol2Lol3Lol2

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I hate it when the grown ups fight. Do you think they'll still love us if they get a divorce Max?
Heidi1 Wrote:I hate it when the grown ups fight.  Do you think they'll still love us if they get a divorce Max?

Ha grown ups fight, i wish it was that easy Heidi, shit broken nose ,cheekbone,concusion ,fingers,scratched eye bite holes on my arms and legs and sprained wrist, not to mention all the emotional problems caused by (grown ups fighting) now if i could have used the net it would have been much less painfull.
Will we have a boxing ring setup at the next annual meet if we can ever decide where and when that will be?
[Image: bmr.gif]
Yee Harr Clap Got my dial in 3 shots Trophy and my hump lady is there also Smitten
Good read good pic's love it Pi_thumbsup

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