Windows Vista?
i've had vista 64 on my work cuntputer since it came out. 3.2Ghz dual core with 2g RAM and it works OK. No better than XP, just more eye candy. Oh, and media player stopped playing mpg,wmv files etc and i can't figure out how to re-install it as it doesn't come up as windows component in vista, so I have to use another player. I am leaving all the other cuntputers on the network at work on xp for a while yet. 64 bit drivers are pretty easy to find for most stuff now.
Chopper says - "Harden the f*** up Australia"
Sorry to interrupt lol,
Ive seen vista on a mates pc.
yeah the media player intergration was a little impressive but I use winamp and always will.Again because mediaplayer is a resources hog..still.
Widgets have been around for years (re desktop clock etc)
Glass look is just art (Download another theme for Xp if you want)

So what's the big deal.
If I upgrade now, I will prob need to go to dual core and muck around for weeks to get all my proggys working and I have a lot.
Maybe I'll wait til Vista Lite comes out...haha

Ps Here is a snapshot of winamp skin...called clearONE
You won't get this look or fuctionality with mediaplayer and still excellent on resources.
I have dual core these days. Was considering the change over but ive got used to the things that dont work with xp. The 64bit vista is still lacking drivers for some odd devices I have like specialised infra red transfer adaptors etc.. I will upgrade when drivers for all my special bits exist, or when all those special bits have been upgraded.. by the way, yay, im actually of the mo-inlaws laptop and back on the dual core now
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djpete - hate to tell ya but that look (apart from the colour setup) is that of media player 11. But still your right - I have winamp playing now & use it as its better with resources.

Vista while looking cool - your right you can get widgets for XP - however I am finding that widgets for XP chew resources - the vista ones dont seem to as much & the whole thing is a little smoother.

Just throwing out the offer tho of the dvd I have for Vista so IF you wanted to try it you could ;)
yep raz i saw u were a winamp user from a snapshot u put up a while ago.
the skin prob does look a little mediaplayerish but that would be the only similarity...the players are quite different to use.
I dont like it when people talk about skins, makes me uncomfortable
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No thanks.
Running OpenSuse 10.2 on the Latop. Rock Solid and has a nice pretty "3D" GUI to boot.......and I can still play Unreal Tournament!!!Very Happy
Suse 10 does rock :) go Novell Linux systems!!
Ok nerds, question...

My pc was rebooting itself, sometimes failing to restart. After a few times I got a message on reboot saying hard disk failure and cannot find ntldr

I do know that commonly virus's attach themselves to fore mentioned file. Virus scanners in their wisdom then remove the file. Window no worky. I run avg as a virus scanner. Ive never seen it complain about a virus on my machine yet. The only complaints i have seen from it are in regards to executable files changing but that is in relation to the fact that I have changed them as part of developing.

When i could finally bothered I stuck in my windows cd and copied the file to my windows directory and windows happily started again. (im using it now) It has been ok for about a week. I didnt check first to see if the file was in the windows directory or not.

I was doing a post in here just before and got the blue screen of death and had to restart. Got the same error, rebooted of windows cd, went into the repair prompt and did a drive listing. I have two drives. One is new, the other i have been using for about 2 years. Only the older of the 2 drives was available. This drive only has part of windows on it.. Which is interesting because I formated the drive and moved all my media items onto it when I put the new drive in. It would appear that one time or another I have gained a partial windows install.. perhaps when booting from the windows cd. I wondered what happend to my second drive.. I reboot again and windows starts up fine.

Anyways, to add to it all, I buy a new motherboard, memory etc.. all around the same time.. Windows blue screen reports hardware failure and says, check any new hardware install, yep, well thats all of it thanks... Given that on restart I get a hard disk failure (sometimes, given im using it right now) I figured thats where to start.. Its interesting though that I do have a partial second install of windows. When I do manage to start windows with the new hard drive.. I can do a check on it and no errors are reported. I can read and copy to it, no issue at all.. I can also add that the restart after failure, reporting ntldr as the issue worked without the need for me to do anything at all.. I havent copied the file back.

Im wondering if it is windows going nuts and running of one install, then at some stage trying to refer to the other partial install.. Perhaps its the bios on the new mother board losing its brain and thinking the drive is no longer there ?? how do you pin point the possible cause when you have pretty much updated all core parts.. could even be a driver or something.. I hate pc's. im quiting my job.. haha.

Anyone got some ideas ?

Maybe I could just go buy another drive and install microdollar windows on it and see how it goes for a while. I could also get rid of windows on the current drive and reinstall, but im to lazy to bother.. It takes forever to setup a pc with development tools etc..

Maybe I could get a new drive, put Vista on it and see how long it survives...

Perhaps someone has other options I should attempt.. Make them simple, not because i cant cope with more difficult pc things, but because when you work on them all day, you really cant be bothered fixing your own after hours and tend to only bother when someone like you gf has a whinge because she wanted to print a photo or plug in her ipod.. lol.. her ipod no longer starts up either, dead.. Thats 3 ipods down... (hence the reason i have a sandisk mp3 player)

ok i will press post before it crashes again. haha
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its happening because windows keeps a mini DB of your drives - in this case its getting confused. I can help out ;) Its just getting me to get off my arse & come up there :) maybe tomorrow if ya not doing anything?
back up data
reformat both drives
reinstall op system on one
all clean all fixed
if it happens again its hardware prob

if i had those symptoms thats what i would do.
by the time u go round in circles troubleshooting everything this is quicker even though...yes its a pain to reinstall all ya proggys again.
but hey half woulda been done already if u didn't spend all that time on the prev it!
but we've all been there at one time or another.
oh yeah if Raz says he's coming around get it in still waiting for him to pop over from 4 mths ago..
didn't know I was - I mean - I WAS going to pop over Pete but it always seemed like you were busy so I never did. I mean like - I'd call up & you would say yeah - but in an hour I am going here...

Oh well
just havin a laugh worries
yeah but I know I can be slack - but gotta remember it would take me probly 20mins to get up there & if you were leaving in an hour to be somewhere then I wont come up ;)

But at some stage I wouldn't mind knowing where you are for random drop in's :P
dont tell him dj, you never know when he will turn up..

I hate installing windows.. I hate finding all the cds for the installs and all the drivers and..... im lazy ok. Oh and its not ezy to back up 500gig of data so I might just spend the $250 on a 500gig drive an install windows on it.. that would mean I have to walk 20 meters to the closest hardware shop so for now im just going to type stupid posts and see how long it takes before the pc crashes..

oh the other thing that suck, is the 3000000 windows updates that will want to download as soon as im finished installing..
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