Oil pump mod (or 2) is a different drive gear that runs the pump at a higher speed.
other mod is a higher pressure relieve valve.
Both are not realy needed if the pickup is clean ,oil level and the bearing clearances are correct . <i></i>
Well from what you were saying on the viffer board,Brent,that your bike was using a bit of oil.I reckon your oil level might have been a bit low and she has nipped up on you.Just seems logical to me. Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
Just a bit of info on the oil light.

If you spin the oilpump gear with your finger (after clutch removal etc) you can extinguish the light by slow turning the pump.

Basically when it lights you'll already know its too late .

Leonard <i></i>
So Wearlej,whats the latest on the cheesecake hirebus???? Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
Well, my mechanic has finished pulling the motor apart, and it's beyond economical repair. The head is completely rooted. One of the bores is past salvaging also.

All this on an engine with 55K on it

And yes, I had the thing serviced properly, so could be I just bought a lemon.

Who Dares Bins<i></i>
Wearleg, give me a call, details in PM <i></i>
Shit that is bad luck Brent, surprised that it lunched itself with only 55K on the clock. Were you the only owner or did somebody own it before you. I'm asking because you may have lavished care on it but the previous guy may have just ridden it.

I think we should look at running oil pressure gauges so we can see what it is doing. Who knows where to tap into the discharge side of the pump to do this.

Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Burn the Copper Silver and Gay Mardi Gras Pink!!!
Red/Grey and Blue Blacks Rule!!!<i></i>
sorry to hear the bad news @55 thats a worry, many have said this particular engine was pretty much bullet proof, but perhaps now we know differently. mines on 58 but she dont get to scream all that much. <i></i>
I was the second owner, I have the service history and it looked like it had been taken care off, but who knows, the previous owner may have been a complete muppet and stuffed up the running in

An oil pressure gauge is definitely going on with the replacement donk... ---------------------------------
Who Dares Bins<i></i>
You did say you have been giving it a bit of stick lately though.
An oil line only has to be blocked for a few seconds at high revs for something to give in a big way I should imagine.
I think an oil gauge and voltmeter should be standard, or at least an error indicator that is worth having.
I'm hoping it never happens to my baby.
65,000 ks but feels like new.
I hope you can get it back on the road soon. There should be some lovely weather just around the corner.
Hang on, it's already here.

<i>Edited by: BUSGO at: 29/8/05 4:36 pm
Hi there,

It's not hard work to put a mechanical oil gauge on the motor guys, then you'll have an idea what it is really doing. Amazing what turbo research does to you, shows you where all the oil tappings are in the motor. In fact there is one tapping that has "pick me" written all over it.

Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Burn the Copper Silver and Gay Mardi Gras Pink!!!
Red/Grey and Blue Blacks Rule!!!<i></i>
Well, the busa came home tonight. A mate of mine ferried it home for me, he had to stop for a while down the road as it was boiling and spitting steam and coolant all over the place.

After it cooled down he managed to get it here, however when it arrived I could hear the coolant inside the engine boiling.

I just went and put it in the shed, it started OK,

$4300 that just cost me. ---------------------------------
Who Dares Bins<i>Edited by: wearlej&nbsp; at: 8/9/05 3:44 pm
Things sound crook in Tullarook mate.
Are you gonna tell us who did the work?
You must be spewin right now.
I'll wait and see what they say tomorrow. If they sort it out and I have no real doubt that they will as they've always been pretty good then I'll keep it to myself, otherwise.. well, I run 3 bike forums myself let alone the mailing lists etc...

you get my drift. ---------------------------------
Who Dares Bins<i></i>
Reco motor & now boiling ? not good, they should have ridden it to check it out before handover to verify everything was operating normally

Before you do anything, top up the coolant (correctly) & try it again. If it even looks like getting anywhere near hot, put it on a trailer & tell them to guess again

Did the fan cut in ? <i></i>

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