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Well we've had all sorts of discussions on this forum over the last 5 years that I've been here and I can't remember one that attracted over 10,000 views in less than 2 months.
Whether you like it or not. It seems to be the status quo.
If it sinks to the bottom, so be it, but I don't think it warrants removal.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
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Question is
For good !!!!!!
I think now the Damsel is in Distress.......Parden the Pun.....
My opinion.... Was alot of fun, cringed alittle, but still this is suppose to be freedom of speach. I also think the Boss is right...that is why we have the PM Button... May need to use it more often.
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
sorry people damsel made this forum a little bit more fun..
hedi i do not know you yes i did made comment but i had too defend myself from your comments..for that please do forgive me .
ok the board do the statistics .how did the forum preform?
for me as a busa owner i would have left long ago......
if the forum hadnt become fun...
please dont kill the fun of it .we are all happy ppl and love a joke dont make it stiff
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Sorry Damsel i didnt mean to aim this at you as like has been said already have kept your self out of it. your intentions are good but others intentions and connotations are not so. anyway i felt the need to bring it up as threads that have taken on this "fun" atmosphere some speak of have obviously driven people away and put others on the board in an uncomfortable place. also i agree with the if you dont like it dont read it attitude but it has spilt over to a number of completely unrelated threads. well ive had my say and thats the last ill speak about it would hate to be the fun nazi.
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Dan85 Wrote:Sorry Damsel i didnt mean to aim this at you as like has been said already have kept your self out of it. your intentions are good but others intentions and connotations are not so. anyway i felt the need to bring it up as threads that have taken on this "fun" atmosphere some speak of have obviously driven people away and put others on the board in an uncomfortable place. also i agree with the if you dont like it dont read it attitude but it has spilt over to a number of completely unrelated threads. well ive had my say and thats the last ill speak about it would hate to be the fun nazi.
Noted Dan. A simple PM or a heads up would have gotten alot of milage tho and much more respect. Apptly that's what PM's are for.....All the best. Not going to waste time getting bitter about it. Noone else should either. thanks for all the PM's of support from the many many others tho. Means a great deal.
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Astrobusa Wrote:I'd have to say that there are many threads on the board these days that make me want to cringe. But the Damsel thread isn't one of them.
If anything... that particular thread seems to have revived the feeling of fun and community. Remember how the board works... boring threads die a natural death. Threads that people are enjoying go on and on. That thread seems to be incredibly popular. It's harmless - so why should it be subjected to censorship? Even threats of closure.
Why is it that this board will put up with foul language, boasting about incredibly bad behaviour on the roads, abusing those forced to enforce our draconian laws, prattling on about total and absolute garbage.... but somehow... the Damsel thread is too confronting. Hard to understand.
If you don't like a thread... ignore it.
I've recommended people come to this board too Dan... and it's not the Damsel thread that puts them off.
I have to so totally agree with you Astro. Frakk me dead!!! I dont even know whats there to discuss about? There are many threads I dont visit does that mean they should be deleted? And to say "thats why" some new visitors to the board "leave" is not only bullshit but anal at that. There is a place for everything on the board and agree to Busgo moving it to non bike related. But to even want to see it close down or removed???? and create this thread to discuss another thread? Sorry Dan you havent done yourself proud imho quite childish I am sorry to say. There were many avenues to vent whatever was irking you, but this was not the way.
The Damsel thread was nothing but a bit of light fun that turned into comraderie coupled with some innocent flirting. So frakkin what? no one had to join in if un-interested let alone follow it. But something tells me with over 10.000 views there are clearly many people who dont feel as you do. But to castigate and publicly have to debate it? Whats got up your goat? Maybe it was rejection? or felt left out?
When I come here I press 'View new posts' and sometimes its 2 pages worth. I look thru the titles and select that which I want to read or follow and out of say 40 titles I read only 10-15, I call that personal choice. If I dont want to read some thread Im not interested in, whose forcing me to? So whose forcing you Dan? Clearly the answer is no one. So if you followed that thread it was YOUR choice. So now you want to blame others for your choice? Gimme a break.......and grow up, and think a little before posting for even if your intentions were not to offend the Damsel - you clearly have done so and you know what? You cant take that back. The pebble you threw in the pond causes ripples and has an effect and once done cannot be undone. Thats the difference between maturity and immaturity knowing the consequences of a ripple effect. Pity, but its done.
Copper/ Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
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Volvi Wrote:Astrobusa Wrote:I'd have to say that there are many threads on the board these days that make me want to cringe. But the Damsel thread isn't one of them.
If anything... that particular thread seems to have revived the feeling of fun and community. Remember how the board works... boring threads die a natural death. Threads that people are enjoying go on and on. That thread seems to be incredibly popular. It's harmless - so why should it be subjected to censorship? Even threats of closure.
Why is it that this board will put up with foul language, boasting about incredibly bad behaviour on the roads, abusing those forced to enforce our draconian laws, prattling on about total and absolute garbage.... but somehow... the Damsel thread is too confronting. Hard to understand.
If you don't like a thread... ignore it.
I've recommended people come to this board too Dan... and it's not the Damsel thread that puts them off.
I have to so totally agree with you Astro. Frakk me dead!!! I dont even know whats there to discuss about? There are many threads I dont visit does that mean they should be deleted? And to say "thats why" some new visitors to the board "leave" is not only bullshit but anal at that. There is a place for everything on the board and agree to Busgo moving it to non bike related. But to even want to see it close down or removed???? and create this thread to discuss another thread? Sorry Dan you havent done yourself proud imho quite childish I am sorry to say. There were many avenues to vent whatever was irking you, but this was not the way.
The Damsel thread was nothing but a bit of light fun that turned into comraderie coupled with some innocent flirting. So frakkin what? no one had to join in if un-interested let alone follow it. But something tells me with over 10.000 views there are clearly many people who dont feel as you do. But to castigate and publicly have to debate it? Whats got up your goat? Maybe it was rejection? or felt left out?
When I come here I press 'View new posts' and sometimes its 2 pages worth. I look thru the titles and select that which I want to read or follow and out of say 40 titles I read only 10-15, I call that personal choice. If I dont want to read some thread Im not interested in, whose forcing me to? So whose forcing you Dan? Clearly the answer is no one. So if you followed that thread it was YOUR choice. So now you want to blame others for your choice? Gimme a break.......and grow up, and think a little before posting for even if your intentions were not to offend the Damsel - you clearly have done so and you know what? You cant take that back. The pebble you threw in the pond causes ripples and has an effect and once done cannot be undone. Thats the difference between maturity and immaturity knowing the consequences of a ripple effect. Pity, but its done.
A bit over the top there Volvi! Don't castergate a person for having an opinion. Isn't that what this board is all about. Recently I didn't agree with a fellow member but hey! We both moved on! I am a bit dissapointed in you Volvi because you have decided to get personal in your attack on Dan the man when there is absolutely no reason to? Again it was just a thought and an opinion that some agree with and some dissagree with. I think some people need to toughen up or don't get your tissue skins so sweaty!!!!!
How's that for a bucket of burly BUSGO?
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
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31-01-2009, 07:44pm
(This post was last modified: 31-01-2009, 07:48pm by ROD.)
Its been moved to the non bike discussion section I would have moved it sooner but it was at thirst a thread about a bike so i left it there and clearly did not give it a thought after .
But like others have said you dont like it dont read it ,i think this thread is the sort of ones we dont want, People including Volvi throwing stones at others but once again if you dont like it dont read it.
If a new member comes in a reads threads like this and that and then does not come back Well so what they should of had a look at the big picture.
I agree with you Gassick that Dan has his right to voice his opinion as he has done but Volvi and others have the right to reply.
And as where on the discusion i find you signiture Gassick of (Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea? ) demeaning to women  lol
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And as where on the discusion i find you signiture Gassick of (Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea? ) demeaning to women  lol
But she doesn't leave any marks or bruises Rod and she has sex with me whenever she feels like !!!!!!!!
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
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born to be mild
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Ok I accept that I may have come down a bit to hard, perhaps I was irked at this whole issue. But then as Rod said Im entitled to my opinion too right? If anything I am all for deleting this poxy thread but now I cant coz Im personally involved, so up to other admins to do as they wish, I no longer have a choice in it.
Peace out.
Copper/ Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
The good thing is that this is a democracy, we can have diffferent opinions, but still have a beer after. If the general consensus is that this is ok for the club, then that's not a prob. Let's not blue about it.
Once again it shows that everyone can get sensitive.
Even bike riders.
I really think we should just leave things at that.
We can go over and disect things til the cows come home...but I think it can make things worse.
Lets just leave it as different people having different opinions and leave it as is.
Hey at least people are getting their point of view across the RIGHT way without abusing and swearing at each other and I for one have enormous respect for that,
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ohdear Wrote:Ok looks like the admins have some work to do ???? I believe some one posted in "General" that some one had backed into their car. Oh hang on also someones of to Bali ? Oh and a few happy birthday greetings and the list goes on >>>>>>>>>> All not bike related so I guess they have to all be moved 
Really I mean to say who gives a flying "F" ? A discussion board is for discussion and I would have thought that general discussion was just that general discussion................ like hello about anything ?
If you look at section of the forum that General discussion is under you would see that its Bike Discussions But im not going to sit at my laptop 24/7 and move threads that pop up in the wrong spot ,if i see one i move it ,just to try and keep the forum balanced but if i miss one or two its not the end of the world but feel free to pm me next time you see one and i will move it
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