decision time on white 09
Good onya John.Clap
I wonder if you are the oldest youngster in the club?
Very Happy
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Champs Wrote:Careful King62 and bigfoot otherwise a group hug for you both will be in order, and a bunch of (mainly) giving some man love could damage you forever. A few theraputic test rides should put off the need for hairy hugs from those close by.

shit we better keep a low profile bigfoot,champs got me worried with the group hug with a bunch of sweaty leather clad blokes .
i think i will stay under the radarLol2
born to be mild
im in hiding, im scared at the moment and don't want to become scarred!!
Hey Fonc, mate I bought a white 09 busa about 6 weeks or so ago, I am 21.

Just come off a vtr1000, and I believe the busa is a much much easier bike to ride, My first ride home I regretted it a little, I hopped back on the VTR and thought it was weird, after that ride I haven't regretted it since, the only thing it doesn't have on the VTR is the deep rumble of the v-twin.

You won't regret it mate and no bike will ever feel like it has enough go again.

I couldn't agree more with the other lads,Ive had my K8 10 months and while been 6ft2 100kg i find the Busa very comfortable over the smaller GSXR and the like.The Busa as mentioned is very sedate around the CBD but once you let her rip Lol3 she handles fine and stops well what more could you want.

G'day FONC,

The fact you have sought out the forum and have asked your question should have given you your answer. I'm in my 30's but work with 2 Busa riders who are both in their 50's, once on the road age doesn't matter a damn.

Go on FONC - you can do it!!!!!

Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs.
all 3 you say, ahh i hate darwin.
Ive had my Black k9 on order for the past 4 months, At first it was a black k8.

apparently suzuki hate my dealer, or my dealer is just f*&^ing useless.

As it happens the bike is supposed to arrive this week or next. Released before christmas I was told....

Whens my bike ccoming? 4th quarter, ok,
4th quarter, when my bike coming, december,
december, whens it coming, late decemeber,
2 days before christmas, whens it coming, its been released and on its way....
6th jan here i am still waiting for my phone call to tell me the exact day it will be here.... /cries

Come on I want my bUSA :(
Peregrine Falcon - Capable of slicing winds at over 300km/h
Hayabusa - Capable of carrying my arse to over 300km/h

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