cuts outs unexpectedly when decelerating....
Wack the idle speed up. <i></i>
Being a honda rider now,dont take any notice of me,but i reckon to check your filters 1st and if thats no good check the throttle position sensor.
Dont listen to and they are too old to know. Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
Check for a fault code first?
Kevin <i></i>
Fault code do not always show up. (Even with some problems) Always worth a try though.
The TPS can cause a heap of problems as I just found out.
Mine was cracked. Haven't got a price on a replacement yet!
Let us know when and how it was sorted.

Cheers, Phil. Your 99 is very boring!

More cracking of the crust eh ?? another one for the cheese files

Hmmmmm, better look at mine

Too old to know ya reckon rocket ?

Look son, I was riding & fixing bikes when you were still shitting yellow

Had a bit of a read today. Going back over the symtoms, it's highly unlikely to be fuel filters, but they are always worth a look anyway. It's far more likely to be the TPS. The resistances you're looking for are 1.3Kohm shut and 4.5Kohm ful open.
If you do see a fault code even briefly it should be c14 for the throttle.
I think you can still recapture even a brief fault code if you're in delaer mode and looking at the manual, what looks like a sophisticated piece of dealer kit is actually a switch (same as the dunnydoor). I'm going to make up a switch and see if I can access the codes like the dealers do. Anyone out there tried that already?
If it works, it would take anyone a few minutes to access and fault codes and with the manual, fix the problem.
Mind you, don't just tweak the idle up. Set it at 1150 and no more. Then you tweak the throttle position sensor (need torx screws). That is, if it's the porblem.
Good hunting! <i></i>
For the uninformed what is the TPS?
(Of course I know but... ) Cheers,

Blast ya horn when going past a manned speed camera.
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Throttle position switch. Sits on the end of the butterfly spindle. Set the idel correct to 1150 then loosen fittings for the TPS and rotate till you get the 1.3kohm reading. It's all in the manual, but the service bit is several Mbytes so not possibe to send. I can do the CD bit though for nothing. <i></i>
Good one,
thanks Bear,
Now I know then...
I mean they know then... <i></i>
Hi Chris

I would look at the battery then the filters.
Simple things first. Check how old it is you should probably get one for piece of mind if its older than 2 years, especially if its been in storage for most of its life.

After 3 months of riding my New 04 model the battery gave up the ghost. I could get it to start then it would stop.
Gradually it got worse and I couldnt start it at all.
New battery under warranty no problem.

Another thing to think about is where was the last servo you filled up at. If it was somewhere out the back of Bourke you may have contaminated fuel which might need diluting or draining Have you run it low it might have picked up some crap at the bottom of the tank. Is this your first tank full since buying the bike.

Might be best to look at those filters anyway, especially if it has been done before. Its a job you can do and at least you will know before sending it back to the shop.

Good Luck

Shayne <i></i>
Ok the TPS is throttle position sensor ,not switch.
Just as the choke lever is not a CHOKE lever,but a fast idle lever.
And as far as the dealer sevice mode switch to get a reading for your fault code,you dont need to make a switch,all you need is a piece of electrical wire with each end bared.Take out the plastic plug and stick the ends of the wire into each connector,its just loops the circuit.Then turn on the ignition and see what the dash is telling you. You can also use this to set you TPS.Go for it!I take no reponsability though. Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
The faarkin phantom strikes again...
Who IS that man in black?? Cheers,

Blast ya horn when going past a manned speed camera.
Let them know you're not happy!

You can make a difference!
More info here:

Sorry DJ,i forgot to wash again!!!
But i do have clean undies on though,as my mum always said,never go out with clean undies. Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
I left that one for you Rocket <i></i>
Excellent, that was my next one, has anyone tried bridging the wires. And yes its tha sensor not switch, my blunder. Really it's just a pot, but for the sake of it.
But I agree with everything said. Go for the TPS. I can swear it's not fuel filters or pumps, but clean them anyway. The pump is electric, it puts out the same volume starting accelerating or slowing. So if you don't have a problem accelerating or at full speed, the pump and filters are fine. The only thing just might be the regulator. When slowing the vacuum assist in dumping the fuel back to the tank and just maybe its sticking a bit and you're not getting min pressure back in the injectors when you crack the throttle. But it's far fetched one.
I had thought of trying to buy a socket that matched and a switch. Shouldn't cost too much and if anyone wanted one, I'd make a dozen or so. Then you can really get stuck in. My days of shorting are gone. <i></i>

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