Canberrans Sips Again
Sounds BRILLIANT! Do you get to use the skid pan?? I've always wanted to learn to drift, but I'm not sure the $50 car is up for it.

I'm out for Thursday as well, working late (WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT)
(04-08-2009, 10:54pm)Heidi1 Wrote: Sounds BRILLIANT! Do you get to use the skid pan?? I've always wanted to learn to drift, but I'm not sure the $50 car is up for it.

I'm out for Thursday as well, working late (WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT)

That used to be the way we did it, however, these days they want less wheel spin and more SMOOOOTH driving so driving the skid-pan is all about avoiding over and understeer and how to beat them if and when they turn up. I'm being a bit of an outlaw with my braking but getting better daily!
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Bugger, they take away all the fun stuff. I still miss the heimlick.
This thursday night guys???

6.30 at Zeff's in Dickson?
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
(11-08-2009, 04:01pm)Madmax Wrote: This thursday night guys???

6.30 at Zeff's in Dickson?

Don't bugerize around now, be straight up - yuh coming out tonight or not? I may have to stay home and balance Macca's kwacka carbs instead - please save me from such a fate!!!
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I'm available for coffee

Busdriver (aka Les)
Sorry guys, Im not available tonight for dinner :(

Have a great time!
nah, I'm working stupid hours every day and I have a 16hr one on Friday along with working both days on the weekend. WHO SAYS PUBLIC SERVANTS DON'T WORK HARD!

See you next week.

Also, I've had a FABULOUS number of PMs from members asking about bookings for Tathra. Who wants to put up the booking info? I can do it, but I'm not sure how we want to work it. Does one person take responsibility for a cabin and then fill it or do we just have people book in generally and then have a mad rush for the best beds?
hey heidi i do a national run with a heap of bike riders and we stay at khancoburn.what i do is find out how many people are serious thats a genuine yes im coming and the strike a deal with the people where your going to stay and the PM the confirmed bookings also have 2 extra cabins on standby for late comers

its a formula i have been useing for along time if you want i casn help co ordanate this for you

cheers kev
(13-08-2009, 10:13am)Heidi1 Wrote: nah, I'm working stupid hours every day and I have a 16hr one on Friday along with working both days on the weekend. WHO SAYS PUBLIC SERVANTS DON'T WORK HARD!

See you next week.

Also, I've had a FABULOUS number of PMs from members asking about bookings for Tathra. Who wants to put up the booking info? I can do it, but I'm not sure how we want to work it. Does one person take responsibility for a cabin and then fill it or do we just have people book in generally and then have a mad rush for the best beds?

Ray has run the JIndy run awesomely for the last few years. I'll get with him and ask whether it was run by Station or Ray or the individuals.
(13-08-2009, 08:36am)Busdriver Wrote: I'm available for coffee

If you're off, would you like to drop over later this arvo and then go from here old boy?
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I'll see you later this arvo then.

Busdriver (aka Les)
Working this coming Thursday night.
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
(15-08-2009, 10:46pm)Madmax Wrote: Working this coming Thursday night.

Not working this Thursday night, Have an MRD Yahoooo


Anyone wanna play????
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
OK!! Are you, Les and anyone else from Canberra coming to the Kangaroo Valley for the 10th aniversary Kangaroo Valley Run? (we are going to have to stomp on Pan at some point). I'm google mapping it so we can pick a departure time. I think we should do your house for anyone on that side, and under the bridge at Eagle Hawk for anyone else. OR, if we go through Bungendore, we could do the round-a-bout.

I suggest we do Bungendore and the back way to Goulbourne, then I get a bit fuzzy on directions. We have to be there by 11.30, and Keno says it can take an hour to KV from Goulbourne. 9am start?

Remember last time we met up with the Sydney mob at Kiama? We stopped for coffee at that strange little coffee shop on a corner in Sutton Forest.
I've had a look at google maps, and it is close to 250kms and says 3 1/2hrs by car. Of course we are not going by car, so we'll ignore that.

I suggest the meeting place of the underpass at Eagle Hawk at 9am, no excuses, no late passes. Because we will be strapped for time, should we go straight up the highway and turn in at Moss Vale, or go the back way past Bungendore and off the highway to Marulan?

P.S. I'll add this to the Canberra thread.

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