Sydney WSID Wednesday nights
Ended up going Rob, just doing day trips with the kids for the rest of the school hols. Guido, Matt and I turned up. 6 runs in total, usual tracton, slipery first couple of runs and then traction improved. I siphoned the premium fuel out of my tank from last weekend and thought that I put in enough regular unleaded from a drum that I had at home. I guessed that I put in about 7 litres but had a brain fade, in hindsight only about 3 litres went in I guess. Anyway, on the last 2 litres when she launches, the fuel sloshes back and the engine misfires at the top end of first and into second gear also. In summary: 2 spin ups, 1 bog on launch, 1 missed shift and 2 fuel starved launches. An average night and par for the course for me.
Spoke to Matt about bracket attack, BTW he's going, I should know by Friday if I'm working or not.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
WSID next Wednesday night for sure!
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
This Friday is cut off for on line entry for the bracket attack next Sat,
looks like I'm out for next Wed at this stage bloody work commitments. Pi_freak
Working Sat 20th so no can do.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
Gnarbunkle99 Wrote:Working Sat 20th so no can do.

The rain is a day late this week
Yes it is but type quietly or it may catch up.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
simmo Wrote:
Gnarbunkle99 Wrote:Youre all a bunch of pikers.

You said you weren't going 2fast4u

How about Bracket Attack - W S I D Track Championship Round 2
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Bracket Racing for all Drag Racing Categories & Rounds of the WSID Track Championship.

Competitor Gates open 6:00am
Racing from 8:45am
Finish time (approximately) 4:00pm (depending on entry numbers and delays during the meeting)
Spectator gates open 8:30am
Spectator GA admission: $25
Spectator 12-16/Senior/Aged Pension admission: $15
Kids under 12 FREE

Just locked it in Eddy Egyptian
Heard Guido opened up a can of whoop ass on Wed night, Any more info....... Chris? Knuppel2

Legend Wrote:Heard Guido opened up a can of whoop ass on Wed night, Any more info....... Chris? Knuppel2


U saying Guido has a big arse.??
Cough cough errrr yes, he did get the better of me on our 1st run, his 10.580 beat my 10.413 on R/T!
Guido is a rising star, his 60' are down to mid 1.7's
Matt collected some money on the night.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
Guido hasn't been honest with us Knuppel2

I checked under his hump and found a hidden bottle!!

Gnarbunkle99 Wrote:Cough cough errrr yes, he did get the better of me on our 1st run, his 10.580 beat my 10.413 on R/T!
Guido is a rising star, his 60' are down to mid 1.7's
Matt collected some money on the night.

Scary Scary Scary
Pi_thumbsup Pi_thumbsup Pi_thumbsup
I'm boycotting WSID tonight, working night shift, shitty weather, tired, all the usual excuses and I don't expect a repeat performance of last weeks 7 runs!
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
I'll be back mid November and will attend every Wednesday. I'll need the practice as my last run down the quarter was nearly 7 months ago.Scary
Gnarbunkle99 Wrote:I'm boycotting WSID tonight, working night shift, shitty weather, tired, all the usual excuses and I don't expect a repeat performance of last weeks 7 runs!

Yep next Wed & Fri ?????

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