The useless bits of info to see if we can make a million posts thread
Australia is meant to be out on dvd tomorrow, might go see if they've put it up early
Hmmm, car or is covered and put away, won't take much to get it out, but, I'm lazy.
I'm home!!!!...
Feeling tired, got flogged today at work!!!
Muscles killing me - ah haaaaaaa.....
Flogged?! Care to elaborate on that before I make my own assumptions?!
hmmm maybe its time to eat!...
job after job, without a break, barely got to kick one out before we were sent out again.
Ahh thats all good then. I don't mind busy days, nothing worse than looking at the time all day.
woohoo missy was flogged because she is one norty girl!!!!

yes australia was a great film,its long but keeps you laughing and crying at same time.

the curious case of benjiman button was long and tedious but i loved the story behind it

where is the mutha and gnarbells?????

i hope they have late notes
It was funny to see Nicole not able to pull faces....

heh heh heh
I didn't go and get it. I watched "Rogue" about the was...ok, I suppose. Nothing great or spectacular, but watchable if you're not doing anything better. Maybe tomorrow...
still moist outside
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
looks like continuing on like that for some time
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
might have to dust off the wellies
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"

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