30-07-2006, 04:59pm
Didn't see anyone @ Todd Rd
Kept trucking, waited @ Little River BP till 0950, no one came past
Kept trucking, waited @ Little River BP till 0950, no one came past
Weekly Sunday Ride For Melbournians
30-07-2006, 04:59pm
Didn't see anyone @ Todd Rd
Kept trucking, waited @ Little River BP till 0950, no one came past <i></i>
30-07-2006, 05:09pm
Sorry Bill,
We were there from 8.50am - 9.10am. The Shell on lhs heading to Westgate bridge. Don't know ...I even have witnesses! Cheers, Pete djpete@tpg.com.au Z Web World Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist!<i></i>
30-07-2006, 05:16pm
Rang your mob @ 0903 DJ, no answer
You would have got to BP Little River by 0950 if you left Todd @ 0910 The only petrol heads I saw was the Falcon GT car club <i></i>
30-07-2006, 05:22pm
Well u had the right place mate.
The car club left about 15 mins before we headed off...damn...we were prob hidden in the Bmw bike group... Cheers, Pete djpete@tpg.com.au Z Web World Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist!<i></i>
30-07-2006, 05:31pm
Perfect weather...blue sky's everywhere.
Just the 3 of us though. Maggot, Holger and myself. We got excited when we saw all these bikes at the servo... turned out they were all from a BMW Club. Here's a pic...to make it easier I crossed out all of the people and bikes that have nothing to do with the Busa Club... You can see our bikes way over in the corner... Headed to Lorne, weather was looking a bit cloudy so decided to head back through Deans Marsh..yeeeeha. Dry good ride. Saw Balls at Lorne too with another bloke. He rode past and may have seen us cause he pointed our way and laughed histerically....!...not really. More pics here... Ride Numero 5 Pics Cheers, Pete djpete@tpg.com.au Z Web World Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist!<i></i>
30-07-2006, 06:05pm
Thanks for the ride Dj and Maggot
Great to ride in the sunshine again . And great to have toasty handz whilst doing it. Bugger that you didn't see us Rev. Next time I'll ask Maggot to wear his pink g-banger on the outside so that he can be seen. That is if he managed to pry one from mechanx (didn't he buy the lot?). Hopefully I will be able to make it to the next one. (Glad to see that I got a tick DJ ) Cheers, Holge <i></i>
30-07-2006, 11:28pm
you promised you wouldn't tell..... amazing what no talent and bald tyres can do innit.
go the 4 inch wheelstand (nervous hop more like it) I think grant has some competition in the stunting world dont you holg? <i></i>
31-07-2006, 01:27am
Good pics DJ,luvery lookin honda.
Wheres the beach shots? Its not the phantom anymore,its the urban assault legend!<i></i>
31-07-2006, 01:31am
One beach shot!
Cheers, Pete djpete@tpg.com.au Z Web World Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist!<i></i>
31-07-2006, 08:46am
Quote:go the 4 inch wheelstand
Hey, that was cool ! As for you DJ, you could have offered her some protective gear..... Cheers, Holge <i></i>
31-07-2006, 09:02am
She comes with her own air bags,isnt that enuff protection????
Its not the phantom anymore,its the urban assault legend!<i></i>
04-08-2006, 07:29pm
Ok let's get back on topic...
Any of you poofs out there interested in Sunday Ride Numuro Sex! Details are... Australian Hayabusa Club - Weekly Ride Ride Number Six Date: Sunday 6th August Time: 9.30am - 1.30pm (Approx) Meeting Point: Second servo in Whittlesea on rhs when coming from Melb (First one is closed) Route: Whittlesea, Flowerdale, Strath Creek, Yea (coffee/breakfast), Whittlesea, Kinglake, Yarra Glen (coffee), Christmas Hills, Home around 200kms) Weather: Ride cancelled if raining or high possibilty of rain Looking good this Sunday weather wise.. .let's see what excuses we can find for this one...! sorry...cheap shot.... . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... Cheers, Pete zweb@tpg.com.au Z Web World Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist!<i></i>
05-08-2006, 08:48am
I'm out. Wife has managed to organise my weekend. Should be great weather so have a fantastic ride. Cheers,
Holge <i></i>
05-08-2006, 02:04pm
I hope to meet you in Yea say around 10.30-11?
It just this f*&^ing flu thing.Ive had it for 2 weeks now on and off. One day i feel fine and the next day i feel like shit .Im feeling ok atm,so lets hope i wake up ok tomorrow. Whats your mobile no again,i'll let you know in the morning. Its not the phantom anymore,its the urban assault legend!<i></i>
07-08-2006, 09:53pm
Well good to catch up with DJ and rocket once again even though DJ went home from Yea Well me and rocket had great ride in the sun but dont ask him about his indicator well thanks again rocket was an enjoyable day. Did you get home with everything in place? <i></i>
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