29-09-2007, 02:07pm
Must have been your maternal grand uncles Max....how does a family recover from that ? makes you wonder how much better this country would be now if we could just wave a magic wand & get all those blokes back again....what a waste..
Yeah kawa the pom army plays for keeps. I heard that a recruit was found shot dead on his base a few years ago..............they reckon a sarmajor was the top suspect but he got transferred somewhere else..
A lot of those aggro types must have taken it in the back from their own troops. If you treat blokes like that then turn your back on them, you do so at your own peril
Yeah kawa the pom army plays for keeps. I heard that a recruit was found shot dead on his base a few years ago..............they reckon a sarmajor was the top suspect but he got transferred somewhere else..
A lot of those aggro types must have taken it in the back from their own troops. If you treat blokes like that then turn your back on them, you do so at your own peril

Never ride the A model of anything.