S.E QLD Riders Saturday arvo/evening ride & dinner 15/10
This is open to anyone who wants in nothing crazy just a ride.

This is a good little ride to end the day off & have a meal out some where as it give's people a chance to do stuff through the day & now with the heat it's more comfortable later.
It's a ride for all skill level's to enjoy.
Meet BP Yatala 3.30 for a 3.50 departure out to Canungra up toward BinnaBurra, out to Natural Arch for a run down toward Murwillumbah
where we turn around & head back over the boarder though the ranges out the back off Currumbin .
On to the pub for dinner then home via the Highway .
This ride is only about a couple of hours from the BP.


This is in no way a organized ride I’m doing I just happen to be going.
If anyone thinks they would like to come along please note.
1. I am not responsible if you have an accident or get hurt - you are responsible for taking care of your own life/bike.
2 however if the worst was to happen I will not run off & leave you
& I will offer help how ever I can. Everyone cool with that.
Shane ph 0402 245 625

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S.E QLD Riders Saturday arvo/evening ride & dinner 15/10 - by the shredder 3 - 13-10-2005, 12:43pm
Re: S.E QLD Riders Saturday arvo/evening ride & dinner 1 - by the shredder 3 - 13-10-2005, 11:29pm

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