28-08-2007, 10:18pm

Busanthony Wrote:Great turnout today. it was nice to meet a few members from interstateIn return, from the interstaters, it was a matter of the heart for Brent and I. Something we had to do. It was something we wanted todo s both of us knew and respected the little bloke.i wish it was for a happier occasion though.
RIP Rocket rod
Raz and I had some gratuitous handshaking and making up that certainly left me feeling the better for it, thanks Razz.
I think we all had a few tears for our friend Rocketman, weren't the speakers just awesome, thanks Sue, Rod's sister, and Rich who said what our hearts were feeling.
Rest in peace brother. You live in our hearts forever.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!