26-08-2007, 12:40am
Mutha Wrote:The funeral procession will be leaving from.
LePine Heritage
Corner of Queen street and Maroonadah Hwy
LePine are situated only a block or so from the Maccas, on the same side of the Maroondah hwy. So some people might like to meet a little bit earlier for a coffee at Maccas and then cruise up the road.
Can people please be at LePines by 10.30am, there is a car park around the back where we can line up.
Doug who is one of Rods best mates will be leading the bikes and riding Rockets Busa.
Doug is going to call the police to see if it's Ok, for the bikes to ride the prosession with out Helmets on.
After the service in the chapel, the bike procession will follow Rockets coffin to the Crematorium.
It looks like the weather is going to be good to us,
I will see you all there, to celebrate Rockets life.
cheers Tez
Thanks for the effort Tezza, we wouldn't miss this melancholy duty for quids. It will be a sad day for all, but a good way to celebrate the little blokes life.
RIP mate.
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!