19-08-2007, 03:28pm
What's so special about it??? I mean seriously? you said:
Skinnable --- My skins already pretty good, not to mention comfortable.
Clear and simple design --- Ok, I not ashamed to admit it, I'm simple.
The fast post edit --- I'm definatly fast to get the post if i've ordered a part.
Pic uploads from desktop of course. --- I'm engaged now but i used to pick up loads at work and tafe courses.
And how stable it is. --- Hmmm, you might have me there, cant say that i'm exactly stable.
As for other things i find handy. Well, um... with me it's the standby mode (sleep, just gotta love it) with the board here... the view new posts thingy is great, and the icons that tell ya whether you've posted to a thread or not and if the thread is moving or just average.
I think i'll stick with my current layout, I know where to find all the important aspects. Yeah the board is good too.
Thanks DJ
Skinnable --- My skins already pretty good, not to mention comfortable.
Clear and simple design --- Ok, I not ashamed to admit it, I'm simple.
The fast post edit --- I'm definatly fast to get the post if i've ordered a part.
Pic uploads from desktop of course. --- I'm engaged now but i used to pick up loads at work and tafe courses.
And how stable it is. --- Hmmm, you might have me there, cant say that i'm exactly stable.
As for other things i find handy. Well, um... with me it's the standby mode (sleep, just gotta love it) with the board here... the view new posts thingy is great, and the icons that tell ya whether you've posted to a thread or not and if the thread is moving or just average.
I think i'll stick with my current layout, I know where to find all the important aspects. Yeah the board is good too.

Thanks DJ