need advice - frame repair / inspection
Shit Grant hope you didnt pay much!!

I probably wouldnt use that frame looks a bit much to me, Shane used a guy on the Southside for his, I think his name was Bob Kellet. His had the welds seperated around the neck very minor. Forget the price, maybe $300 but he did require the motor and swing arm installed to do the job.

Alternatively see these guys they will sell you a cheap undamaged frame suitable for racing, ask for Stan or Terry.

Messages In This Thread
RE: need advice - frame repair / inspection - by NEMESIS - 27-03-2008, 01:47am
RE: need advice - frame repair / inspection - by abusa - 12-08-2007, 03:49pm
RE: need advice - frame repair / inspection - by xhiler8r - 12-08-2007, 06:08pm
RE: need advice - frame repair / inspection - by ausdragbike - 26-03-2008, 07:14pm
RE: need advice - frame repair / inspection - by 1300hayabusa - 27-03-2008, 09:57am
RE: need advice - frame repair / inspection - by jaycbr250 - 06-04-2008, 06:11pm

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