07-08-2007, 07:58pm
Astrobusa Wrote:Daniel... of course you are wanted around here.
Tell you what. When you've....
been a member here for years,
posted thousands of times,
become known and respected for your contribution to the group,
helped organise events,
given more than you've taken,
learned to ride a busa anywhere near as well as the man you're vilifying,
been a mate who's put himself out for others,
put your life on the line for your country and for people who can't defend themselves
...when you get to that point and some breeze-by heaps shit on you, then I'll stand up for you like I'm standing up for Max.
Until then, understand that one set of posts does not constitute the man and you know nothing about the man.
This is a community. You are part of it. You're wanted, everybody is welcome.
Max is no angel, but like everyone here he deserves a little respect.
So, stick around long enough to build a reputation like the one described above. Then, if anyone heaps shit on you, we'll back you up. Fair deal?
BRAVO..... well said

(Townsville, QLD)
www.stickersuperstore.com.au (for your sticker and sign needs)
03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
(Townsville, QLD)
www.stickersuperstore.com.au (for your sticker and sign needs)