06-08-2007, 09:18pm
Daniel, your a teacher, licenced to ride a bike in 77. I work in education and well, your attitude is nothing short of disapointing.
I have met some of these posters at Jindy, and the ones that i haven't i have respect for on account of their attitude online.
It's your choice who you are on here. Don't be another dipstick who chooses annonymity behind a computer to become an alter ego that they aspire to be. Be yourself and earn the respect of your online peers. We are all real people on here with a real passion in common. Don't come here fresh outa the box and judge people you don't know.
If you ride a Busa be proud of it and this club and contirbute.
Sorry if this is abrupt. I'm drunk, usual am at this time (alcho)
I have met some of these posters at Jindy, and the ones that i haven't i have respect for on account of their attitude online.
It's your choice who you are on here. Don't be another dipstick who chooses annonymity behind a computer to become an alter ego that they aspire to be. Be yourself and earn the respect of your online peers. We are all real people on here with a real passion in common. Don't come here fresh outa the box and judge people you don't know.
If you ride a Busa be proud of it and this club and contirbute.
Sorry if this is abrupt. I'm drunk, usual am at this time (alcho)