It wasn't me. (Accident)
For all those peoples that have called my mobile and work. I'm and alive and well. It wasn't me nor my bike that was involved the the motorcycle accident in Inverloch this afternoon. The couple, Paul and Annie, are both ok. A few bumps and bruises, the poor ZX-9 on the other hand wont live to fight another day. Neither will the magna that turned in front of them. Both Paul and Annie said that their gear (Tiger Angel leathers, helmets, etc) did what they were supposed to do. (A little message there peoples!!! Wear your safety gear!!!) The accident wasn't their fault and Paul reacted well by all accounts but it was still unaviodable. Car and bike met and car won. Estimated 60 KM an hour bounce off the front of a Magna and by what i saw of the car and bike after the fact, very ,very lucky to be so well off.

Stop! and think, these are people we, ok, I, know. If it can happen to them, and Paul is a good safe rider, it can happen to anybody. Wear your safety gear if you've got it. If you do have it, for FARK sake get some. 90% of all car drivers are bloody hopeless (the other 10% ride bikes as well). This accident was a result of the car not seeing the bike (we assume). A bright coloured helmet, having your headlight on, and by all means, slowing down and watching the other road users to see if that make eye contact with you, are things that will keep you alive.

Think safe, ride safe, be safe!

Thanks to all who contacted me for their concern,

Messages In This Thread
It wasn't me. (Accident) - by CapeBusa - 06-08-2007, 08:33pm
RE: It wasn't me. (Accident) - by ROD - 06-08-2007, 08:45pm
RE: It wasn't me. (Accident) - by bear - 06-08-2007, 09:19pm
RE: It wasn't me. (Accident) - by Rev - 06-08-2007, 10:28pm
RE: It wasn't me. (Accident) - by CapeBusa - 06-08-2007, 11:13pm
RE: It wasn't me. (Accident) - by Rev - 08-08-2007, 12:18am

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