04-08-2007, 07:47pm
With all due respect how about you shut up. I'm allowed to make a comment on a situation if i feel inclined. This new thread seems to have been posted with the intent of raising discussion so back the f*** off.
Your a bloody sook, there is nothing wrong with this club, there has just been a few highs and lows lately. Its a club ffs, its not all sweet and cheery, its just like a relationship with a mate, you get the shits with each other sometimes, you fight and stuff, then you realise you have common interests and all is good again.
Its a slight coincedence that there has been a few disagreements as of late but I hardly think that reflects that the entire club are all bickering...... hardly the case, most of us get on fine.
If you also read, I was not just sticking up for max, but also offering my own input and experience with a similiar situation, I have a right to do that, so bugger off mate.
Your a bloody sook, there is nothing wrong with this club, there has just been a few highs and lows lately. Its a club ffs, its not all sweet and cheery, its just like a relationship with a mate, you get the shits with each other sometimes, you fight and stuff, then you realise you have common interests and all is good again.
Its a slight coincedence that there has been a few disagreements as of late but I hardly think that reflects that the entire club are all bickering...... hardly the case, most of us get on fine.
If you also read, I was not just sticking up for max, but also offering my own input and experience with a similiar situation, I have a right to do that, so bugger off mate.
maggot Wrote:Josh mate with all due respect pull ya fuckin head in and shut up. this bullshit has gone on long enough without people who have nothing to do with it constantly chiming in their 2 cents worth. I appreciate that max is a mate and you want to stick up for him but the rest of us have had to put up with this shit across every thread that Raz posted in and after how bitchy you got regarding the crap that was posted in your thread when you were trying to sell your bike I thaught you might have known better that to keep adding fuel to something that has already gotten way out of hand.
the only people who need to be discussing this are Max, Raz and if they feel so inclined the other two people who won one of the kits at Jindy (and yes I am one of them)
Volvi can we please get this thread locked at least to stop this from going any further on a public forum? I've already had two mates I've met whilst riding tell me theres no way they'll join this forum simply due to this shit being posted and thats just in the last week. its having a massivly detrimental on the club as a whole and although I'm no fan of censorship someone needs to do something about this shit before we put off any more potential new members.
anyone have a problem with what I'm saying feel free to let me know but do it in a pm or e-mail so that the rest of the people who visit this club don't have to put up with it.